[Cannon fired from Fort Moultrie]
Sherman Grinberg Film Library
Sherman Grinberg Film Library
Title card: "Students drill on vanishing guns, Ft Moultrie, SC - Youths learn to be cannoneers on disappearing coast defense battery" / VS big coastal artillery guns rise into position; numerous shirtless young men load a large artillery shell into the breech of a cannon, the powder case cartridge is inserted, and the gun is raised; the gun fires and the recoil drives it out of he picture; a good shot of the barrel being aimed directly at the camera / Note: exact day not known
Issue Date
Fort Moultrie (S.C.), Artillery--South Carolina--Charleston, Artillery, Coast--South Carolina--Charleston, Occupational training, Military--South Carolina--Charleston
Moving Image
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Digitization Specifications
This original newsreel was digitized by the Sherman Grinberg Film Library. Converted to mp4 video.