A Review of the ORS Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Leasing Program
Lawyer, Robert A. ; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Lawyer, Robert A.
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
The Lease of Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Program began in August 2015 and the Office of Regulatory Staff gained valuable experience through the development and administration of the Program. However, the Program is still in its infancy stage compared to many other states around the country. Based on the research in this paper there are two main areas in the solar leasing market that have garnered a significant amount of attention from regulators, consumers, and the electric utilities that need to be addresses: Complaints and Net Energy Metering.
Issue Date
South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff, Electric power production--South Carolina, Electric utilities--South Carolina, Renewable energy sources--South Carolina
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
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