South Carolina Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD) five-year action plan
South Carolina Broadband Office
South Carolina Broadband Office
The development of this Five-Year Action Plan involved extensive stakeholder outreach and feedback from residents, businesses, and organizations across the State. Key digital equity-related observations are included in this plan, with further insights and details to be shared in the Digital Equity Plan. The State has set a variety of ambitious goals, most notably that South Carolinians have access to reliable, resilient, high-speed broadband infrastructure at 25/3 Mbps by 2026 and 100/20 Mbps by 2028. Other key goals center on expanding digital opportunities, providing device support, and continuing training to communities and internet providers to facilitate a smooth expansion of broadband internet in light of some of the barriers identified.
Issue Date
South Carolina Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, Broadband communication systems--South Carolina--Planning
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