Employee Retention and Commitment Study at John de la Howe School
Young, Zebulon D. ; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
Young, Zebulon D.
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
The main focus of this report is to give a holistic view on various practices that the John de la Howe School should adopt to keep the level of employee retention and commitment high in the work environment. It will provide useful information gathered from agency employees about their employment experiences as it relates to retention and commitment. This study will also serve as a guide to other agencies regarding their employee retention, should they choose to use it.
Issue Date
John de la Howe School--Employees, Teacher turnover--South Carolina--Columbia, Employee retention--South Carolina--Columbia
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
Digitization Specifications
300ppi, Canon imageFORMULA DR-9050C scanner with CapturePerfect 3, archival and online file is PDF/A-1b.