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What students say about vocational programs

Holweger, Angela
South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical Education
This report to the General Assembly, compiled an~i prepared by the State Council on Vocat i ona 1 and Techni ca 1 Education, is the second in a series of reports on an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated by the EIA of 1984. The report describes the methodology, findings, and conclusions of a study of students' perceptions of and experiences with the vocational system. Part I reports the results of a written survey administered to nearly one thousand high school seniors and juniors in twelve schools across the state. Part II summarizes the results of follow-up telephone interviews with over 300 high school graduates across the state who completed vocational courses in 1983.
Issue Date
Technical education--South Carolina, Vocational education--South Carolina
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