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Evaluating and improving Marlboro County applicant outreach for the Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery Housing Program

Fosmire, Eric G.
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
SCOR’s housing recovery programs typically experienced an application rate of more than 6% of FEMA IA applicants in a county applying for its housing recovery program. In Marlboro County, only 1% of Hurricane Matthew FEMA IA applicants subsequently applied for the SCOR Hurricane Matthew housing program. The unusual application rate combined with the start of the Hurricane Florence housing program offered an opportunity for this project to evaluate the gap and potentially improve the Marlboro County outreach process to yield a better response for the 2018 Hurricane Florence housing recovery program.
Issue Date
Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery Housing Program, South Carolina Office of Resilience, Hurricane Florence, 2018, Disaster relief--South Carolina--Marlboro County
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