South Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Helms, Kristen ; Zhao, Guang ; Dillard, Mary Kate ; South Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
Helms, Kristen
Zhao, Guang
Dillard, Mary Kate
South Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
SC PRAMS is an ongoing, population-based survey that collects information on SC
mothers who have recently given birth to a live-born infant. Each month approximately
200 women are sampled from the state's live birth registry, and women who delivered a
low birthweight infant are oversampled to ensure that adequate information is collected
on high-risk groups. The goals of the SC PRAMS Project are to monitor and describe maternal
characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors during pregnancy and in early infancy and to
describe relationships between known risk factors occurring before or during pregnancy
and selected adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Issue Date
South Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
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