The economic impact of South Carolina's forestry industry
South Carolina State Commission of Forestry ; Darla Moore School of Business. Division of Research ; Von Nessen, Joseph C.
South Carolina State Commission of Forestry
Darla Moore School of Business. Division of Research
Von Nessen, Joseph C.
Issue Date
Forests and forestry--Economic aspects--South Carolina, Forest products industry--Economic aspects--South Carolina
The purpose of this research effort is to provide a
comprehensive assessment of the current economic impact
of the forestry industry in South Carolina in order to better
understand its size and scope following the dramatic changes
to the state’s economy after the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic. This study begins by establishing a formal
definition of forestry in South Carolina to be used in this
report as well as providing a discussion surrounding the
general methodology of economic impact analysis; Sections
III and IV then move to a discussion of the current economic
impact of forestry on South Carolina, including its various
subsectors. Finally, Section V provides a brief conclusion.
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))