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61-55. Septic tank site evaluation fees

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
A major factor influencing the health of individuals where public sewer is not available is the proper treatment and disposal of human excreta and other domestic wastes. To this end and to protect the environment from contamination by untreated sewage, the Department of Health and Environmental Control has established and maintained a conscientious program of designing individual sewage treatment and disposal systems, evaluating sites for suitability for individual sewage treatment and disposal systems and approving the installations of such systems. This direct service program is conducted primarily by public health professionals working in county health departments. Funding for the program comes from state appropriations and the fees authorized by this regulation.
Issue Date
Septic tanks--South Carolina, Septic tanks--Law and legislation--South Carolina
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020))
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