Archaeological survey of the proposed Hollingshead Creek Sewer Project, Richland County, South Carolina
Trinkley, Michael ; Chicora Foundation
Trinkley, Michael
Chicora Foundation
The proposed project involves the construction of a new sewer line originating at an existing waste treatment facility southwest of Koon Road (S-498) on Hollingshead Creek and following the creek for about 4 miles to the Broad River, where it turns south into the floodplain and continues for an additional 2 miles. An intensive archaeological survey of the project of the project, in conjunction with reconnaissance level historical investigations, were undertaken by Chicora Foundation at the request of Mr. Johnny Johnson of LETTS, Inc., the design-build firm undertaking the work for Richland County. The historical research included a generalized overview of the project area, which identified topics of specific historical interest.
Issue Date
Archaeological surveying--South Carolina--Richland County, Richland County (S.C.)--Antiquities
Copyright 2001 by Chicora Foundation, Inc.
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