Inspection and examination report of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC and Duke Energy Progress, LLC December 2022 : winter storm outages and blackouts
South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff ; GDS Associates
South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff
GDS Associates
Issue Date
Duke Energy, Winter storms--South Carolina, Electric power failures--South Carolina, Electric power failures--North Carolina
On the evening of Friday, December 23, 2022, the Duke Energy Progress, LLC and Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC service areas in North and South Carolina began to experience very cold weather caused by Winter Storm Elliott. In South Carolina, approximately 94,893 customers were affected by the Companies’ load shed actions. On average, customers were without power for just under three hours, with some affected for over ten hours. This report examines the causes of the customer outages, the communication from the Companies, the role of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market, lessons learned, and any areas for improvement.
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