A History of South Carolina's State House
Andrews, Judith M. ; South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Public Programs Division
Andrews, Judith M.
South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Public Programs Division
This document explains the development, reconstruction, and evolution of the South Carolina State House throughout time. This publication has been taken from a historic documentation report on the South Carolina State House prepared by Ford, Farewell Mills and Gatsch, Architects, Princeton, New Jersey; in association with Heritage Studies, Inc., Hopewell, New Jersey; and History Information Services, Columbia, South Carolina; for Historic Columbia Foundation, Columbia, South Carolina.
Issue Date
South Carolina State House (Columbia, S.C.), Columbia (S.C.)--Buildings, structures, etc.
Copyright status determined to be in the public domain on April 27, 2020 by United States Supreme Court ruling (Georgia et al., Petitioners v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. : 590 U.S.__(2020)).
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300ppi, Bookeye 4 scanner with OPUS FreeFlow software, Archival Master file is a multi-image TIFF; online version is a PDF/A-1b; 24-bit color.