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Assessing Training Needs for the SC Department of Natural Resources Marine Resources Division Staff

Keppler, Blaik
South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
With 200 staff members performing a wide variety of functions, a well-structured audience needs assessment is a crucial first step towards efficient coordination of training for all MRD staff. Presented in this report are the results of an audience needs assessment and associated recommendations. The objectives of the needs assessment described here were (a) identify key skills and knowledge required by MRD staff, (b) identify gaps in skills or knowledge related to key functions, (c) identify interest training on certain topics and skills, and (d) gain insight into preferred training delivery methods, format, and timing.
Issue Date
South Carolina Marine Resources Division--Employees--Training of
Copyright status undetermined. For more information contact, South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.
Digitization Specifications
300ppi, Canon imageFORMULA DR-9050C scanner with CapturePerfect 3, archival and online file is PDF/A-1b.