Governor’s Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Council

The South Carolina Governor’s Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Council was created by Executive Order No. 2014-22 on March 14, 2014. The Council is comprised of representatives from each agency with a regulatory, enforcement or treatment role in this issue, including SLED, DHEC, LLR, South Carolina Board of Dentistry; South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners; South Carolina Board of Nursing; South Carolina Board of Pharmacy; a South Carolina Solicitor’s Office; DHHS; DAODAS; and a South Carolina coroner. The Council was charged with the following: 1) to analyze available data to determine the extent of prescription drug abuse in South Carolina; 2) to develop a comprehensive state plan (Plan) to proactively combat and prevent drug abuse in South Carolina; 3) to assist and encourage local communities to engage existing coalitions or to establish new coalitions to combat prescription drug abuse; and, finally 4) to continue to meet as a Council and at least annually report the progress of the Council’s efforts.


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