Midlands Technical College Documents

Midlands Technical College publishes a variety of documents including financial statements, public relations brochures, strategic plans, and information for future students, current students, faculty & staff, and the community.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Training Guide, Jan-Feb-March 2025
    (South Carolina State Library, 2025-01) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    Midlands Technical College publishes a continuing education catalog that outlines the quarterly training programs available.
  • Publication
    Audited Financial Statements Year Ended June 30, 2023 With Independent Auditors’ Report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-30) Midlands Technical College Foundation
    An independent auditor, audited the financial statements of Midlands Technical College Foundation using agreed upon procedures.
  • Publication
    Training Guide, Sept-Oct-Nov 2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-08-15) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    Midlands Technical College publishes a continuing education catalog that outlines the quarterly training programs available.
  • Publication
    Training Guide, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-05-02) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    Midlands Technical College publishes a continuing education catalog that outlines the quarterly training programs available.
  • Publication
    Fast facts
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-11-21) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document gives statistics about Midlands Technical College.
  • Publication
    Audited financial statements year ended June 30, 2022 with independent auditors’ report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-06-30) Midlands Technical College Foundation
    An independent auditor, audited the financial statements of Midlands Technical College Foundation using agreed upon procedures.
  • Publication
    Emergency response plan 2016
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-03-15) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    In keeping with its commitment to provide a safe environment for its students and employees, Midlands Technical College has developed an Emergency Response Plan. The goal is to plan the college's responses if an emergency, violent act, or disaster occurs. Determining whether or not a situation requires an emergency response will be decided by the Incident Commander.
  • Publication
    Emergency response plan 2022
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-15) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    In keeping with its commitment to provide a safe environment for its students and employees, Midlands Technical College has developed an Emergency Response Plan. The goal is to plan the college's responses if an emergency, violent act, or disaster occurs. Determining whether or not a situation requires an emergency response will be decided by the Incident Commander.
  • Publication
    Master facilities plan 2004-2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2004-10-13) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    The purpose of the Midlands Technical College (MTC) Master Facilities Plan is to guide the future development of facilities and ensure the appropriate connection between the educational objectives and facility needs of the college. The Plan is used when making major facility decisions including renovations, facility eliminations and replacements, new construction and infrastructure needs. It allows the college to prioritize its decisions as resources become available. The Plan lays out general guidelines and the direction for each campus including the potential to add future space, the type of space to be created or renovated and general building standards.
  • Publication
    Audited financial statements and other financial information year ended June 30, 2021 with independent auditors’ report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2021-06-30) Midlands Technical College Foundation
    An independent auditor, audited the financial statements of Midlands Technical College Foundation using agreed upon procedures.
  • Publication
    MTC COVID-19 employee plan : faculty and staff FAQs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-11-17) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document answers questions faculty and staff may have about returning to the Midlands Tech campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    MTC COVID-19 employee plan
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-12-02) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document answers questions employees may have about returning to the Midlands Tech campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    MTC COVID-19 student plan : return to campus : student FAQs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-11-17) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document answers questions students may have about returning to the Midlands Tech campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    Top 10 parent/supporter FAQs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-08-05) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document answers questions parents may have about their students returning to Midlands Tech..
  • Publication
    Return to campus : student FAQs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-08-04) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This document answers questions students may have about returning to the Midlands Tech campus.
  • Publication
    Midlands Technical College on-campus student plan and guidelines
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-08-04) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    This guide talks about the care Midlands Technical College is taking to prepare students for their return to classes.
  • Publication
    MORE Maximizing Online Readiness and Excellence : a quality enhancement plan
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019) Midlands Technical College (Columbia, S.C.)
    Midlands Technical College has developed a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) aimed at improving online student success, titled Maximizing Online Readiness and Excellence (MORE). MORE is the result of extensive college-wide discussions that involved faculty, staff, students, Commissioners (Board of Trustees), Executive Council, Faculty Council, Staff Council, Academic Affairs Council, Student Development Services Council, and the Student Advisory Board. These discussions, conducted through surveys, listening sessions, web conferences, and one-on-one conversations, led to the development of the QEP topic. This inclusive engagement of MTC constituents has helped build broad-based support for MORE.