Department of Employment and Workforce Documents

The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes documents and reports related to unemployment insurance, unemployment taxes, job matching, and collecting and disseminating state/federal employment statistics.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    South Carolina Unified State Plan for Education and Workforce Development, 2024-2025
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-11-15) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    To continue South Carolina’s success, the Unified State Plan provides a systematic approach for statewide education and workforce development, streamlining and unifying the efforts of entities throughout the state. It is the state’s comprehensive strategic plan for education and workforce development. The USP is a living document the CCWD will review and revise as needed on an annual basis.
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    [S.T.A.Y.S. flier]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-10-01) South Carolina Department of Employment Workforce
    This flier contains important information about the STAYS (Stay to Apply Your Skills in South Carolina) Veterans hiring initiative.
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    Disaster Unemployment Assistance [brochure]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-08) South Carolina Department of Employment Workforce
    Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) provides temporary benefits to individuals whose employment or self-employment has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of a major disaster and who are not eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI). “Direct result” means an immediate result of the major disaster itself and not the result of a longer chain of events caused or worsened by the disaster.
  • Publication
    Work Opportunity Tax Credit: Unique Incentive Encouraging Business to Hire Individuals with Barriers to Employment
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-03-21) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. This brochure explains how employers can apply for the credit.
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    Rapid Response Booklet
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-03-29) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    For those unemployed or about to lose their job, this guide will help them find new employment. South Carolina’s workforce system provides employment and training services throughout the state, and resources to help you start a new career.
  • Publication
    South Carolina Unified State Plan for Education and Workforce Development, 2024-2025
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07-23) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    The Coordinating Council for Workforce Development presents South Carolina’s first-ever Unified State Plan for Education and Workforce Development (USP), which includes initial common goals and meaningful metrics for our state. This inaugural USP provides a starting point from which organizations can begin aligning and determining efforts that currently, or may in the future, impact the metrics.
  • Publication
    The Federal Bonding Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-03-24) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    This brochure answers these questions: what is the Federal Bonding Program, who may request the fidelity bond, who is eligible for bonding coverage, how and when is the bond issued to the employer, how much bond insurance will be issued and are there restrictions in the program's coverage.
  • Publication
    Claimant handbook : a reference for unemployment insurance benefits rights & responsibilies
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-02-26) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    This handbook serves as a helpful guide to: answer questions about unemployment insurance; explain your rights and responsibilities while receiving unemployment insurance benefits under South Carolina law and the regulations of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce; define terminology and acronyms; and provide resources where you can find more information. This resource is intended to empower you with information to help you move quickly from unemployment to reemployment.
  • Publication
    An analysis of supply and demand for the STEAM workforce in South Carolina
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015-09-29) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Business Intelligence Department
    With advancements and innovations in technology, the workforce of South Carolina needs comprehensive knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). Is South Carolina producing the right STEAM knowledge at the right levels? What skills or certifications should our future STEAM workers have? Where are the STEAM jobs in South Carolina? Do STEAM jobs really pay more than other occupations?
  • Publication
    Evaluation and analysis of the electric vehicle workforce in South Carolina
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-08) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    The emergence of the modern Electronic Vehicle (EV) industry, given South Carolina’s current standing as the nation’s top exporter of cars, has the potential to be transformative and disruptive to our state. Part of responding to this challenge and opportunity means ensuring that we have a workforce that appeals to existing and emerging employers as the EV transition gathers pace. This report, as directed in Executive Order 2022-31, seeks to do the following: Evaluate the State’s existing and anticipated EV-related workforce availability and capacity needs and explore opportunities to enhance the State’s existing workforce development policies or mechanisms so as to advance the competitive standing of South Carolina’s EV ecosystem and automotive sector relative to other States and position South Carolina as a center of growth and global leader with respect to EV-related research, development, and production; Conduct a comprehensive and detailed supply gap analysis of the EV ecosystem, in consultation with the business community, industry stakeholders, education providers, and other state agencies and departments, to evaluate EV-specific occupations and the projected demand for any relevant training, credentials, or certifications; and Identify and report to the undersigned and the General Assembly any recommended statutory or regulatory changes or enhancements related to the State’s existing workforce development mechanisms that may be necessary or appropriate to facilitate new business and industry investment or expansion in the EV sector.
  • Publication
    Better data. Better decisions. Better outcomes. : SOC code fields available now to prepare for required reporting by April 2024.
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-10-31) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    Once again South Carolina leads the way in workforce innovation and research, and the state’s businesses will benefit for years to come. Standard Occupational Classification codes or SOC codes and number of hours worked are two fields that are being added to the quarterly wage reports that are completed in the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce’s tax system, SUITS. This information will be required on the 1st quarter 2024 wage reports, due by April 30, 2024. DEW encourages employers to begin entering SOC codes in fourth quarter 2023 since that information will be saved in SUITS for future quarters.
  • Publication
    South Carolina short term projections 2022 - 2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-03-29) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Labor Market Information Division; Chastaom, Ashlyn
    Short term projections are produced and published annually for a 2-year projection period. Projections provide estimated forecast data regarding the rate at which occupations and industries are growing, as well as the number of jobs present at that time.
  • Publication
    Bylaws of the S.C. Coordinating Council for Workforce Development
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-08-15) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    This document contains the bylaws for the South Carolina Coordinating Council for Workforce Development.
  • Publication
    Labor force participation rate dashboard methodology
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-09) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Labor Market Information Division
    This document explains the Labor Market Information Division labor force participation rate dashboard methodology. It explains how national data, South Carolina data, large cities data, and county civilian noninstitutional populations data is accumulated, averaged, and used.
  • Publication
    South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce Participation Task Force
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-02-01) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Participation Task Force
    This PowerPoint presentation examines the unemployment and labor force situation in South Carolina.
  • Publication
    South Carolina labor force participation
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-30) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce; Millan Chicago (Firm)
    Millan Chicago LLC recently conducted a survey of individuals who were present in South Carolina’s Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) wage data in 2019, filed an unemployment insurance (UI) claim in 2020, and who were not present in DEW’s wage data in 2021. The primary purposes of the survey were to (1) identify the current work status of these individuals, and (2) for those not working, the barriers that impact their ability to get a job, and (3) how they might be convinced to return to work.
  • Publication
    Work opportunity tax credit : unique incentive encouraging business to hire individuals with barriers to employment
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-07-20) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. This brochure explains how employers can apply for the credit.
  • Publication
    South Carolina Task Force on Labor Force Participation initial analysis
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-02) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce; South Carolina Task Force on Labor Force Participation
    This document will review existing data on labor force participation in South Carolina, including comparisons to the national average and an analysis of participation by race, sex, and age. Existing research from beyond our state will be reviewed briefly, followed by a synopsis of what we know and what insights we hope to develop from the convening of this taskforce.
  • Publication
    Overview of South Carolina's economy
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-03-23) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce; South Carolina Labor Force Participation Task Force
    This PowerPoint presentation gives statistics on South Carolina's employment situation, labor market, demographics and wealth.
  • Publication
    Act 116 COVID-19 response account SCDEW expenditures as of 08/31/2021
    (South Carolina State Library, 2021-08-31) South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
    This details the expenditures of the Department of Employment and Workforce’s allocation from the CARES