ETV Documents

The South Carolina Educational Television Commission produces documents on a variety of topics including special reports from locally produced programming on South Carolina topics and discussions of the issues of educational programming and television in the state.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    FY 24 Local Content and Service Report to the Community.
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-11-01) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    July 2018-June 2019 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-06-06) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    July 2017-June 2018 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2018-08-06) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    July 2016-June 2017 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2018-02-07) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    July 2015-June 2016 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-06-27) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    July 2014-June 2015 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-02-15) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    FY 23 Local Content and Service Report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-03-15) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    Highlights of SCETV's year are noted including programming, collaborations, awards, key services and local impacts.
  • Publication
    FY 23 local content and service report to the community.
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-08-26) South Carolina Educational Television Network
    South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) is a state agency in South Carolina that operates a statewide network of 11 non-commercial and educational television and 8 radio broadcast licenses. SCETV annually collects the detailed information about the network to provide the public with an overall view of the agency.
  • Publication
    After action community engagement tool kit
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-03-22) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    The overall goal for After Action community engagement events is to bring awareness to the adjustments and struggles that veterans and their families experience day-to-day when returning home, after action with the hope to promote and provide helpful tools for families and friends to better communicate with the veterans in their lives.
  • Publication
    FY 22 local content and service report to the community
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-02-05) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    Highlights of SCETV's year are noted including programming, collaborations, awards, key services and local impacts.
  • Publication
    South of spooky promotion kit
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-24) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This promotion kit givers information about the program including biographies of actors, episode descriptions and images from the series.
  • Publication
    The food principle promotion kit
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-18) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This promotion kit givers information about the program including biographies of actors, episode descriptions and images from the series.
  • Publication
    How she rolls season two promotion kit
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-07-29) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This promotion kit givers information about the program including biographies of actors, episode descriptions and images from the series.
  • Publication
    After action promotion kit
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-10-11) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This promotion kit gives information about the program including biographies of actors, episode descriptions and images from the series.
  • Publication
    ETV safe space
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-12-30) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This paper gives self-help techniques to improve your mental health.
  • Publication
    Education Round Up
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    Education Round Up is a newsletter from South Carolina ETV and Public Radio that covers events and updates regarding education in South Carolina.
  • Publication
    Strategic plan 2022-2025
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-21) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This strategic plan outlines the golas of SCETV and SCETV Radio through the year 2025. Highlighted are people and culture, services, diverse and engaged communities, sustainable operations, and promotion and brand.
  • Publication
    SCETV 2022 youth engagement & interest survey
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-08-24) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This survey gives statististics on young people's interactions with social media.
  • Publication
    SCETV political candidate debate policy
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-06-03) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    A vital part of the South Carolina SCETV and Public Radio (SCETV) mission is advancing good citizenship by producing and broadcasting quality local public affairs programming about South Carolina, including select political candidate debates. This policy clarifies SCETV’s commitment to a fair and balanced process for debate invitations.
  • Publication
    Virtual PD drop-in modified programming schedule
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-03-20) South Carolina Educational Television Commission
    This takes a look at ETV's At-Home-Learning, its schedule and additional information.