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These documents are all related to SC FitnessGram with the Department of Health and Environmental Control.
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Publication What can schools do to support students' health from head to heart?(2023-08-23) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlSchools play a pivotal role in SC FitnessGram by providing a structured environment where physical fitness assessments are administered to students by physical activity experts, the Physical Education (PE) teachers. Schools can use SC FitnessGram data and promote a physical activity before, during, and after school to support the well-being of students and promote healthy, lifelong habits. Use the following ideas to prioritize physical activity.Publication What can families do to support students' health from head to heart?(2023-08-23) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlEncouraging physical activity and being active together as a family is greatly important in the life of a child. Participating in exercise, getting outdoors, and being physically active as a family not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also strengthens the family bond. By being active together, parents and caregivers set a positive example for their children, emphasizing the importance of physical well-being and instilling healthy habits from an early age. Use this resource as a guide to inspire healthy habits in your family.Publication What can community leaders do to support students' health from head to heart?(2023-08-23) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlA healthy lifestyle begins in childhood and adolescence. Children and adults need access to safe, affordable and conveniently located places to be physically active. Community leaders play a key role in prioritizing and investing in physical activity opportunities for all.Publication Fitness in the South Carolina youth during the COVID pandemic(2023-08-23) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlSC FitnessGram has been administered annually statewide since the 2016-17 school year. While participation was reduced during the COVID pandemic, 21 school districts continued to provide data. This made it possible to compare data collected prior, during, and after the pandemic. Detailed data, including comparisons for grade level, sex, race/ethnicity, and poverty status, can be found in the full report. Comparing data from the 2018-19 and 2021-22 school years revealed a steady decline in students’ health throughout the pandemic.Publication SC FitnessGram(South Carolina State Library, 2021-11-17) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlSC FitnessGram measures and improves student fitness by working with schools to enhance physical education and create more opportunities for physical activity. To ensure the wellness and academic success of all students in South Carolina, we must all make students’ fitness a priority by incorporating quality physical activity at school, at home, and in the community, every day. SC FitnessGram helps school districts and communities to provide programs proven to work to increase the amount of time students are physically active.