Energy Office Annual Summaries

The South Carolina State Energy Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to build a clean, reliable, resilient, and affordable energy system for South Carolina. With development beginning in early 2016, the final phase of the Plan was completed at the end of 2018. Study committees and task forces surrounding eight crosscutting priorities finalized study reports and developed an extensive list of policy recommendations. These annual reports contain information about the Energy Office, including education and outreach, financial assistance, technical assistance, and energy data resources.


Recent Submissions

  • Item
    2023 Annual Summary Implementation of Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Incentive Programs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-03-05) South Carolina Energy Office
    In 2008, the Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Incentive Program was established under Section 48-52-870 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. This incentive includes a $750 nonrefundable state income tax credit for eligible homebuyers. The Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Labeling Program was created by the General Assembly in 1992. Originally managed by the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, the Energy Office assumed the responsibility of managing the program in 1998.
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    2022 Annual Summary Implementation of Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Incentive Programs
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-08-28) South Carolina Energy Office
    In 2008, the Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Incentive Program was established under Section 48-52-870 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. This incentive includes a $750 nonrefundable state income tax credit for eligible homebuyers. The Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes Labeling Program was created by the General Assembly in 1992. Originally managed by the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, the Energy Office assumed the responsibility of managing the program in 1998.
  • Publication
    Energy Office annual summary 2022
    (2023-10-17) South Carolina Energy Office
    The South Carolina State Energy Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to build a clean, reliable, resilient, and affordable energy system for South Carolina. With development beginning in early 2016, the final phase of the Plan was completed at the end of 2018. Study committees and task forces surrounding eight crosscutting priorities finalized study reports and developed an extensive list of policy recommendations. This annual report contains information about the Energy Office, including education and outreach, financial assistance, technical assistance, and energy data resources.
  • Publication
    Energy Office annual 2020 summary
    (2021-06-30) South Carolina Energy Office
    The South Carolina State Energy Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to build a clean, reliable, resilient, and affordable energy system for South Carolina. With development beginning in early 2016, the final phase of the Plan was completed at the end of 2018. Study committees and task forces surrounding eight crosscutting priorities finalized study reports and developed an extensive list of policy recommendations. This annual report contains information about the Energy Office, including education and outreach, financial assistance, technical assistance, and energy data resources.
  • Publication
    Energy Office annual 2018 summary
    (2020-06-01) South Carolina Energy Office
    The South Carolina State Energy Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to build a clean, reliable, resilient, and affordable energy system for South Carolina. With development beginning in early 2016, the final phase of the Plan was completed at the end of 2018. Study committees and task forces surrounding eight crosscutting priorities finalized study reports and developed an extensive list of policy recommendations. This annual report contains information about the Energy Office, including education and outreach, financial assistance, technical assistance, and energy data resources.