Certified Public Manager Projects 2017

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This collection includes the CPM projects for 2017 that have been approved by the Department of Administration to be published.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Use of DARR (Data Analyses to Reduce Recidivism) to Impact Compliance Revocations into the Prison System
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Brown, Derek A.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The issue for this project is the use of DARR data, its influence, and implementation throughout processes to reduce Compliance Revocations from the Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services back into the prison system of the South Carolina Department of Corrections.
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    Recommendations for Developing a Process to Prioritize and Evaluate Performance-based Pay Raise Requests
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Hancock, Justin; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This research project seeks to develop recommendations for a systematic process for prioritizing and evaluating performance-based pay increase requests at the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism that can be applied throughout all agency divisions and that relies either exclusively or primarily on objective criteria and information about the employee.
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    Improving Services at DSHR Through Process Workflow Management
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Hinson, Cheryl; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The goal of this project is to create a comprehensive, detailed process workflow document for Division of State Human Resources to include a flowchart and written procedures for all work processes.
  • Publication
    Improving Member Engagement through a Digital Health Platform
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Young, Heather; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Getting State Health Plan members engaged in their health is vital to reigning in ever-increasing costs to the State Health Plan. Currently, there are value-based initiatives available to members at no cost to help improve their health. PEBA, in collaboration with its third-party administrator, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is launching Rally® in April 2017. Rally is a new digital health experience that will encourage members to get and stay healthy through personalized challenges, reward and content. The purpose of this project is determine how the launch of this new platform, including an extensive marketing campaign, will impact the health of State Health Plan members as well as overall cost savings to the Plan and members.
  • Publication
    Improvement of Timeliness of Inspection Reports - Completion with Minimum Errors: Develop and Implement Guidelines for Reducing the Time it Takes to Complete an Inspection Report with Minimum Errors
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Manning, Sam, Jr.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    At the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation it takes too long to complete inspection reports and the reports contain too many errors. This project is to develop and implement guidelines for reducing the time it takes to complete an inspection report with minimum errors.
  • Publication
    ECitation Tickets
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-01) Grant, Sequella R.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This project explains the e-citation process in South Carolina.
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    The Importance of Restitution/Subrogation for the Crime Victim's Compensation Fund
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Newton, Latoya P.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper examines the viability of the South Carolina Crime Victim's Compensation Fund.
  • Publication
    Effective Engagement Scheduling
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-07) Wilkins, Todd A.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper examines the scheduling of the audit process for the South Carolina Department of Social Services as it performs inspections for all DSS county offices, County Clerk of Court offices, and a number of contracted partner offices located around the state.
  • Publication
    DMV: Committed, Competent, Courteous
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Allen, Angela; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper explores the cost benefits of constructing a dormitory facility for the Department of Motor Vehicles on site rather than paying local hotels to house out-of-town employees that attended training there.
  • Publication
    Improving Cost and Schedule Forecasting Utilizing Cost and Schedule Risk Assessment
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Klauk, Brian; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper presents national and global research on the current state of Cost and Schedule Risk Assessment and its application to the development of major road and bridge construction projects. This paper also presents the sister process of Reference Class Forecasting. A secondary purpose of this paper is to identify the most appropriate method for SCDOT's use.
  • Publication
    New Employee Orientation for a New State Agency
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Gardner, W. Stephen; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This project details a plan for orientation for new employees at the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office.
  • Publication
    Employee Retention and Commitment Study at John de la Howe School
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Young, Zebulon D.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The main focus of this report is to give a holistic view on various practices that the John de la Howe School should adopt to keep the level of employee retention and commitment high in the work environment. It will provide useful information gathered from agency employees about their employment experiences as it relates to retention and commitment. This study will also serve as a guide to other agencies regarding their employee retention, should they choose to use it.
  • Publication
    Strategic Approach to Child Support Data Purification : System Conversion
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Bailey, Anthoney 0.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Dealing with 46 County systems, which have differences in their system development, can be daunting. Since the current State System, Legacy IV-D System, has a common way of getting information from these 46 systems, it will be logical to use it as base for converting all Child Support data to the new system. The goal as examined in this paper is to have Child Support Legacy System with that of all 46 County systems' biometrics cleaned up in readiness for the new Centralize Child Support System.
  • Publication
    Addressing student academic needs through teacher certification within the SCDJJ school district
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-01) Isom, Sonia S.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper addresses how the Education Division at the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ) can comply with State Department of Education (SDE) teacher certification standards to validate its school district's educational program and achieve one hundred percent SDE teacher certification compliance at all of the educational facilities managed by SCDJJ.
  • Publication
    Customer Satisfaction with Technical Services at the South Carolina Commission for the Blind
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Bundy, David W.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Customer satisfaction has been selected as a measurable indicator of effectiveness, and each of the 187 consumers who were served by one of the three Assistive Technology Consultants at the South Carolina Commission for the Blind during the previous Federal Fiscal Year were asked to complete a survey. Since SCCB has not previously tracked customer satisfaction for the Technical Services Unit as a separate entity, this study will attempt to establish a baseline measure as well as to suggest potential areas for improvement.
  • Publication
    A Review of the ORS Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Leasing Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Lawyer, Robert A.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Lease of Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Program began in August 2015 and the Office of Regulatory Staff gained valuable experience through the development and administration of the Program. However, the Program is still in its infancy stage compared to many other states around the country. Based on the research in this paper there are two main areas in the solar leasing market that have garnered a significant amount of attention from regulators, consumers, and the electric utilities that need to be addresses: Complaints and Net Energy Metering.
  • Publication
    Centralized Scheduling: Improving the Process to Decrease No Show Rates, and Increase Clinicians' Productivity
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Musolf, Brian D.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This project was selected to explore, and possibly improve the effectiveness of the centralized scheduling process that was introduced to South Carolina Department of Mental Health in December of 2015, through a state contract with MTM Services. Centralized scheduling was one of the areas addressed during SCDMH's yearlong partnership with MTM, with the goals to decrease patient no show rates, reduce gaps in care for our patients, and improve clinician productivity.
  • Publication
    Assessing Opportunities to Increase Subcontractor Participation in SCDOT's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017) Linn, Gary S.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Current efforts to locate a larger pool of small businesses in highway construction that are eligible for the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program at the South Carolina Department of Transportation has not been very successful. Assessing the current processes and identifying improvements through surveys and interviews, and comparing those responses with current practices should help identify why this problem exists and possible remedies with a desire to increase the number certified firms involved in highway construction by approximately 20%.
  • Publication
    Improving the Medicaid Application Workflow Process
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-02) Wallace, Teangela E.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This project is improving the Medicaid Application Workflow Process at the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Publication
    The Impact of Balancing the Separation of Duties of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Staff: VR Counselor and VR Assistant
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-02-06) Massey, Felisa B.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This investigation at the South Carolina Commission for the Blind is the impact of balancing the separation of duties of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and Vocational Rehabilitation Assistants.