State Museum Pre-Visit Materials

The South Carolina State Museum provides educational programs based on South Carolina curriculum standards to K-12 students. They provide pre-visit materials for educators to use in the classroom prior to the museum visit.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Pre-Visit Information The Sky Above: A Virtual Experience – All Grades
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-05-08) South Carolina State Museum
    We’re going to go on an adventure in our very own night sky to learn about how the Earth moves, what kind of objects we might be able to see in our night sky, seasons, and the difference between stars, planets, and moons. This experience uses amazing software such as Stellarium and Worldwide Telescope to share these concepts with your students.
  • Publication
    Pre-Visit Information: Observatory Night Sky Viewing Experience – All Grades
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-05-08) South Carolina State Museum
    Join our astronomy educators for a special virtual night sky viewing experience! We’ll show your group live images of stars, planets, the Moon, and deep sky objects using a camera on our 1926 Alvan Clark refractor. The exact objects chosen will depend on the date of your program and what’s available in the sky that evening. In the event of cloudy weather, we’ll show amazing pictures from our observatory’s image archive. This program works especially well as a family night/STEM night experience.
  • Publication
    Pre-Visit Information Observatory Solar Viewing Experience – 8th Grade
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-05-08) South Carolina State Museum
    See a live image of the Sun (weather permitting) from our observatory telescope! Students will interact with astronomy educators over a virtual platform such as Zoom or Google Meet. We’ll begin by introducing our telescope, and then we’ll show a live image of the Sun (or a Sun picture we’ve taken in the past if it’s cloudy). As we’re showing our image and discussing the Sun, we’ll interact with the students through back-and-forth conversation. Because this program is interactive, we encourage classes to stay unmuted if possible.
  • Publication
    Pre-Visit Information : Observatory Solar Viewing Experience – 5th Grade
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-05-08) South Carolina State Museum
    See a live image of the Sun (weather permitting) from our observatory telescope! Students will interact with astronomy educators over a virtual platform such as Zoom or Google Meet. We’ll begin by introducing our telescope, and then we’ll show a live image of the Sun (or a Sun picture we’ve taken in the past if it’s cloudy). As we’re showing our image and discussing the Sun, we’ll interact with the students through back-and-forth conversation. Because this program is interactive, we encourage classes to stay unmuted if possible.
  • Publication
    Bring learning to life : teacher resource guide Fall 2019-Spring 2020
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-05-15) South Carolina State Museum
    The South Carolina State Museum provides this guide for teachers in conjunction with site visits. It is guide to every education class, tour, exhibit and show at the South Carolina State Museum.
  • Publication
    The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes teacher's guide
    (South Carolina State Library, 2013-10-04) South Carolina State Museum
    These materials have been developed as a supplementary resource for educators bringing their students to The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes. Included are eight science and language arts lesson plans, take-home versions of the four science lesson plans, and two observation-based games. The pre-exhibit activities are designed to prepare your students to visit the Sherlock Holmes exhibit by fostering interest in the scientific investigations pioneered by Sherlock Holmes. These resources can be used independently or combined to ensure a rich experience for students visiting The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes, or adapted to meet your classroom goals.
  • Publication
    Bring learning to life : teacher resource guide Fall 2018-Spring 2019
    (South Carolina State Library, 2018-10-10) South Carolina State Museum
    The South Carolina State Museum provides this guide for teachers in conjunction with site visits. It is guide to every education class, tour, exhibit and show at the South Carolina State Museum.
  • Publication
    The Palmetto State at war
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-10) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Take charge electricity
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    South Carolina symbols
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-11) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Science/technology tour
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Natural history tour
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Native Americans: the first South Carolinians
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-12) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Light and lasers
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-12) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Introduction tour
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Cultural history tour
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-11) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Colonial life in South Carolina
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Beneath your feet
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Antebellum South Carolina
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010) South Carolina State Museum
  • Publication
    Environmentally speaking
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-09) South Carolina State Museum