Annual Reports on the Academic Common Market Program

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The Academic Common Market program was designed “to share between states specified degree programs located at southern public colleges and universities through an exchange of students across borders at in-state rates.” This annual report gives statistics on out of state students attending South Carolina colleges as part of the program and South Carolina students attending out of state colleges. It lists degree programs and colleges that are members of the program.


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  • Publication
    2022-2023 Annual Report on the Academic Common Market Program
    (2023-09-07) South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
    The Academic Common Market program was designed “to share between states specified degree programs located at southern public colleges and universities through an exchange of students across borders at in-state rates.” This annual report gives statistics on out of state students attending South Carolina colleges as part of the program and South Carolina students attending out of state colleges. It lists degree programs and colleges that are members of the program.
  • Publication
    2018-2019 annual report on the Academic Common Market Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-09-15) South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
    The Academic Common Market program was designed “to share between states specified degree programs located at southern public colleges and universities through an exchange of students across borders at in-state rates.” This annual report gives statistics on out of state students attending South Carolina colleges as part of the program and South Carolina students attending out of state colleges. It lists degree programs and colleges that are members of the program.
  • Publication
    2014 Annual Report on the Academic Common Market Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014) South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
    The Academic Common Market program was designed “to share between states specified degree programs located at southern public colleges and universities through an exchange of students across borders at in-state rates.” This annual report gives statistics on out of state students attending South Carolina colleges as part of the program and South Carolina students attending out of state colleges. It lists degree programs and colleges that are members of the program.