SC State Fire Documents

State Fire is a division of the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes reports, brochures, and other documents on agency programs to ensure compliance with state fire safety regulations.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Standards and Firefighter Protection Act report
    (2023-06-30) South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Division of Fire and Life Safety
    Plans are in development to provide education and awareness to cigarette manufacturers, wholesalers, and retail dealers and their employees about the Fire Standards Compliant Cigarette program. An inspection program is under development whereby establishments where cigarettes are placed, sold, or offered for sale will be inspected by trained Deputy State Fire Marshals. It is anticipated that these internal program implementations will increase awareness and compliance with the existing law.
  • Publication
    Frequency of reporting firefighter injuries in South Carolina
    (2020-07-01) Quizon, Samantha; McCabe, Julie; South Carolina State Fire
    A project consisting of two studies was conducted in 2019 to discover if firefighters had not reported an on-the-job injury to appropriate parties and, if so, why did they not report it. The project’s goals included: improve safety culture1, in regards to the values, norms, assumptions and expectations regarding safety, in the South Carolina fire service ; understand why firefighters do not report injuries accurately in NFIRS ; gain additional insight to better understand firefighter injuries in the South Carolina fire service.
  • Publication
    South Carolina firefighter mobilization plan in accordance with the Firefighter Mobilization Act of 2000
    (2021-05-12) South Carolina State Fire
    This document provides the guidelines to implement and administer the “Firefighter Mobilization Act of 2000.” The Firefighter Mobilization Plan is a state plan to assist emergency services departments in the state with resources if an event such as a fire, rescue, terrorism attack, hazardous materials event, or natural disaster occurs that cannot be handled by the local agency.
  • Publication
    ARFF training bulletin
    (2021-09) South Carolina State Fire
    This bulletin gives information about aircraft rescue and firefighting in South Carolina as well as training opportunities and course descriptions.
  • Publication
    South Carolina State Fire orientation : a firefighter's resource guide to the Division of Fire & Life Safety
    (2021-05-27) South Carolina State Fire
    This guidebooks gives information to new firefighters concerning their training, the various divisions of State Fire, Fire Academy programs and certification psthways.
  • Publication
    2019 annual data report
    (2020-10-21) South Carolina State Fire; South Carolina State NFIRS Program
    This annual report gives statistics on fire incidents, civilian injuries and deaths, fire service injuries and county information. Included is a list of fire departments throughout the state that have reported incidents to the National Fire Incident Reporting System.