These newsletters are produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. They contain general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.
(2024-07) South Carolina State Department of Education. Office of Assessment and Standards
This newsletter is produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. It contains general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.
(2024-06) South Carolina State Department of Education. Office of Assessment and Standards
This newsletter is produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. It contains general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.
(2024-05) South Carolina State Department of Education. Office of Assessment and Standards
This newsletter is produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. It contains general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.
(2024-04) South Carolina State Department of Education. Office of Assessment and Standards
This newsletter is produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. It contains general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.
(2024-03) South Carolina State Department of Education. Office of Assessment and Standards
This newsletter is produced by the SC Department of Education Office of Assessment and Standards. It contains general updates, assessment and data, standards and instruction, and other relevant information.