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Publication S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce status and updates(South Carolina State Library, 2020-05-21) South Carolina. General Assembly. Senate. Select Committee on ReopeningThis PowerPoint presentation discusses aspects of reopening the state after the COVID-19 crisis.Publication South Carolina Senate Select Committee on Raise the Age report to the Senate(South Carolina State Library, 2020-09-01) South Carolina. General Assembly. Senate. Select Committee on Raise the AgeThe Senate formed the Select Committee on Raise the Age to propose statutory reforms, funding priorities, and any other changes that would help the Department implement the RTA law. This report summarizes various proposals that can accomplish that goal by codifying rehabilitation’s central place in the South Carolina Children’s Code and proposing reforms at every stage of the juvenile justice process to effectuate that purpose, thereby ensuring that DJJ only has to supervise and have custody of children when necessary.Publication Legislative briefing : S.419(South Carolina State Library, 2019-04-23) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Education CommitteeThis briefing gives statistics on education in South Carolina.Publication South Carolina Senate districts(South Carolina State Library, 2023-05-09) South Carolina General Assembly. SenateThis map shows the election districts for the South Carolina Senate.Publication Report on the investigation of the FY2022 annual comprehensive financial report restatement(South Carolina State Library, 2023-03-15) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Finance Committee. Constitutional SubcommitteeThe Constitutional Subcommittee of the Senate Finance Committee convened on four occasions to investigate the FY2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) $3.5 billion restatement. This is a report of the findings of that subcommittee.Publication Address by the Honorable John D. Long on the South Carolina secession centennial : delivered before the Senate of the ninety third General Assembly of the state of South Carolina, May 27, 1960(South Carolina State Library, 2015-06-22) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate; Long, John D., 1901-This address discusses the Civil War.Publication Report to the president on testing and tracing(South Carolina State Library, 2020-08-12) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Re-Open South Carolina Select CommitteeThe Chairman of the Re-Open South Carolina Select Committee appointed a subcommittee to evaluate the state’s COVID-19 testing and tracing efforts. Presenters to the subcommittee were asked to submit to the subcommittee specific recommendations for immediate legislative actions or appropriations that would promote 1) increased COVID-19 testing and/or 2) quicker lab analysis of specimens and reporting of results to those tested. Based on the testimony at the meetings and the recommendations submitted, this report of recommendations requiring legislative action or appropriations as well as those which are directed to the appropriate agencies is made to the President.Publication General appropriation bill 2019-2020(South Carolina State Library, 2019) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate; South Carolina General Assembly. House of RepresentativesThis is an annual bill to make appropriations and to provide revenues to meet the ordinary expenses of state government for the fiscal year, to regulation the expenditure of such funds and to further provide for the operation of state government during the fiscal year and for other purposes.Publication Report on the Law Enforcement Training Council SC Criminal Justice Academy(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-17) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe SC Law Enforcement Training Council/Criminal Justice Academy is the state’s sole entity providing training for state and local law enforcement agencies. The length of time between the hiring of new officers and enrollment in the Academy and the policy for allocating slots at the Academy is the greatest concern voiced by local law enforcement. The Academy implemented a new training regimen in July 2019 whereby the first four weeks of training are delivered remotely. The agency reported in late August 2019 that this change reduced or eliminated wait times and resulted in slots being allocated in the order requested. Increases in General Fund appropriations by the General Assembly have begun to reduce the agency’s reliance on fines and fees for operating revenues. The Academy has also increased the emphasis on pre-screening applicants to improve completion rates.Publication Report on Vocational Rehabilitation Department(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-03) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department’s (SCVRD) mission is to assist eligible South Carolinians with disabilities to achieve and maintain competitive employment. The department is governed by a board of seven members consisting of one from each congressional district. The agency employs 1,138 employees and has a budget of $162 million consisting primarily of federal funds and $15.9 million in general funds. In 2017, SCVRD terminated a memorandum of understanding with a non-profit corporation it created in 2005. This corporation was dissolved and transferred all of its assets to a private foundation which is affiliated with the agency. The agency should develop a written affiliation agreement with the foundation and establish policies and procedures to clarify the interaction between the agency, its employees, and the foundation. The Client Assistance Program responsible for administering complaints was recently transferred to South Carolina Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. SCVRD will begin developing a state funded equine program focusing on veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.Publication Report on SC Secretary of State’s Office(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-09) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe Secretary of State is a constitutional office responsible for maintaining certain records filed by businesses and governmental entities. The office accepts records on paper or online and has the responsibility of investigating violations of some of its statutes. In order to provide more responsive customer service and reduce fees charged to the public, the office should consider providing access to copies of business filings online at no cost. The office should contact agencies annually about the status of membership on boards and commissions to encourage agencies to get positions filled and to ensure the information is accurate. To better evaluate the progress and results of investigations into violations of the Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act and other civil actions, the office should implement a tracking system.Publication Report on Office of the Adjutant General(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-09) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe position of Adjutant General is established by the South Carolina Constitution and is responsible for a number of subordinate organizations: S.C. Army National Guard, S.C. Air National Guard, State Guard, S.C. Emergency Management Division, S.C. Youth/Job ChalleNGe Academy, STARBASE Swamp Fox, S.C. Military Museum, and the S.C. Joint Services Detachment. The Agency is mostly federally funded and has about 12,000 members, employees, and volunteers. The S.C. Army National Guard reports that of the 65 Readiness Centers across the state, 15 are in poor condition and 34 are in fair condition, and the average age of the facilities is 39 years. The STARBASE Swamp Fox program teaches elementary students about STEM topics and should explore expanding the program to involve more students across the state. The S.C. Military Museum should coordinate its exhibits with other state-funded museums that display historical military artifacts and memorabilia. The S.C. Emergency Management Division distributes about $3 million annually from the federal EMPG program to the counties to fund emergency management services.Publication Report on John de la Howe School(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-09) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeIn 2018, John de la Howe School (JDLHS) began a transition to become the Governor’s School for Agriculture at John de la Howe as outlined in a feasibility study authorized by proviso. The school is expected to open in the fall of 2020, and the board is continuing with the services of the Student-Centered Education Consulting Group (SCECG) who prepared the feasibility study to assist in the transition. Determining the projected costs to bring about the school and the timeline to implement the program of studies are essential elements which should be provided by SCECG to the JDLHS board of trustees and leadership as soon as possible. With the assistance of SCECG, the board of trustees and leadership of JDLHS should develop written short- and long-range plans for repairing and upgrading the facilities. The board of trustees should initiate an action in the circuit court of McCormick County under §62-7-412 and 413 so that the court can determine whether the transition of the school will be consistent with the terms of the will of Dr. John de la Howe. In addition, the board of trustees and school officials should divest the school of operating and maintaining its own electrical system by working with a local electric cooperative or company who can take over the ownership of the system.Publication Report on S.C. Department of Commerce(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-09) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe SC Department of Commerce is a cabinet agency responsible for encouraging economic activity and growth in the state. It works with new and existing businesses to assist with location and expansion, offers grants for community development and infrastructure improvement, and helps businesses export to foreign markets. For 2017, the department reported capital investment of $5.24 billion with 18,445 jobs recruited with 40% of the jobs related to new businesses and 60% from expanding companies. For FY 16-17, the department spent $66.7 million from its grant funds which left $37 million available for new grants awards as of August 31, 2017. It also administers federal grants for disaster recovery, encourages international trade, and works with businesses on workforce development.Publication Report on South Carolina Commission for the Blind(South Carolina State Library, 2019-09-03) South Carolina General Assembly. Senate. Legislative Oversight CommitteeThe SC Commission for the Blind provides individualized vocational rehabilitation services, independent living services, and prevention-of-blindness services to blind and visually impaired consumers, from children to older persons, leading to competitive employment and social and economic independence. The Commission's vocational rehabilitation department works with clients in developing a career path and obtaining the highest level of self-sufficiency possible. A needs assessment was conducted of the vocational rehabilitation department and the Ellen Beach Mack Rehabilitation Center and included several recommendations for improvements to the department and the center that the commission should continue to work on. The commission should also review ways to hire and retain qualified counselors. In addition, the Business Enterprise Program provides employment opportunities to blind consumers by training and licensing them to operate their own businesses in rest stop vending operations, snack bars, and cafeterias throughout the state.Publication State of South Carolina The Senate unveiling of portrait honoring Senator Strom Thurmond(South Carolina State Library, 1986-04-02) South Carolina General Assembly, Senate