Piedmont Technical College Student Handbooks

Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    2024-2025 Dual Enrollment Handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07-08) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    High school juniors and seniors who have mastered the high school curriculum and are ready for college-level work may participate in dual enrollment opportunities Piedmont Technical College. This handbook is designed to give insight on the program as well as to provide you with important tools and guidelines to ensure that you have a successful experience in the program.
  • Publication
    Dual enrollment handbook 2023-2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-07-06) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    High school juniors and seniors who have mastered the high school curriculum and are ready for college-level work may participate in dual enrollment opportunities Piedmont Technical College. This handbook is designed to give insight on the program as well as to provide you with important tools and guidelines to ensure that you have a successful experience in the program.
  • Publication
    Student calendar & handbook 2018-2019
    (South Carolina State Library, 2018-08-06) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    2022-2023 dual enrollment handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-05-26) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    High school juniors and seniors who have mastered the high school curriculum and are ready for college-level work may participate in dual enrollment opportunities Piedmont Technical College. This handbook is designed to give insight on the program as well as to provide you with important tools and guidelines to ensure that you have a successful experience in the program.
  • Publication
    2021-2022 dual enrollment handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2021-08-06) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    High school juniors and seniors who have mastered the high school curriculum and are ready for college-level work may participate in dual enrollment opportunities Piedmont Technical College. This handbook is designed to give insight on the program as well as to provide you with important tools and guidelines to ensure that you have a successful experience in the program.
  • Publication
    2020-2021 student calendar & handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-07-07) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    Student calendar & handbook 2019 2020
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-07-10) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    (South Carolina State Library, 2012) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.
  • Publication
    Student calendar & handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016) Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood, S.C.)
    Piedmont Technical College publishes an annual student calendar and handbook with academic calendar, important dates, information about student programs and services, campus maps, and other campus information.