Stormwater Outreach Strategic Plans

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These documents provide a blueprint for education strategies focused on target pollutants and behaviors; evaluation metrics are also determined to improve delivery and documentation of impacts. These strategic plans are considered a “living” document to allow for refinement, supplementation and flexibility as regional efforts evolve over the next five years.


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    Lowcountry Stormwater Partners Stormwater Outreach Strategic Plan: 2024-2028
    (2023-12) Clemson University. Cooperative Extension Service; Lowcountry Stormwater Partners
    The Lowcountry Stormwater Partners consortium’s (LSP) purpose is to coordinate and implement a regional, watershedscale education strategy. This strategy is focused on preventing stormwater pollution through education and community involvement. The LSP assists communities in addressing the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Phase II Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System (SMS4) general permit, which mandates public education and involvement regarding stormwater runoff. This strategic plan is considered a “living” document to allow for refinement, supplementation, and flexibility as regional efforts evolve over the next five years.
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    Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Outreach Strategic Plan: 2024-2029
    (2024-01) Clemson University, Cooperative Extension Service; Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium
    The CWSEC 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is the result of roughly a year of meetings and analysis in the Horry and Georgetown County region. This document provides a blueprint for education strategies focused on target pollutants and behaviors; evaluation metrics are also determined to improve delivery and documentation of impacts. This strategic plan is considered a “living” document to allow for refinement, supplementation and flexibility as regional efforts evolve over the next five years.
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    Ashley Cooper Stormwater Outreach Strategic Plan: 2024-2029
    (2024-07) Clemson University. Cooperative Extension Service; Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium
    The ACSEC 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is the result of more than a year of meetings and analysis in the Berkeley, Charleston & Dorchester County region. This document provides a blueprint for education strategies focused on target pollutants and behaviors; evaluation metrics are also determined to improve delivery and documentation of impacts. This strategic plan is considered a “living” document to allow for refinement, supplementation and flexibility as regional efforts evolve over the next five years.