Vital Records Statistics

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control publishes several annual reports on vital statistics, providing basic reference data for a variety of users. Vital Statistics certificates filed with the Office of Public Health Statistics and Information Services are the primary source of data presented in this report. These records include certificates of live births, deaths, marriages, divorces and annulments, and reports of fetal deaths and abortions. Data are presented for South Carolina and its 46 counties. Live births, fetal deaths and deaths occurring out-of-state to South Carolina residents are also included in this report.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    The South Carolina Annual Morbidity Report on Reportable Conditions 2021
    (South Carolina State Library, 2021) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology
    The purpose of this report is to provide South Carolinians, as well as healthcare organizations and providers, government and regulatory agencies, and other concerned individuals and groups important statistical information about potentially preventable diseases and conditions. Data in this report reflect diseases and conditions acquired by South Carolina residents only, including diseases and conditions contracted by South Carolina residents while traveling outside the state. In the first section of this report, we present and discuss data for frequent conditions. The second section presents data for infrequent conditions that have between four and 20 cases. The third section provides a brief synopsis of healthcare acquired infection data. The final section examines selected outbreaks that occurred in South Carolina. Lastly, a data table of reportable conditions by county can be found at the end of the report.
  • Publication
    The South Carolina annual morbidity report on reportable conditions 2018
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-11) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology
    The purpose of this report is to provide South Carolinians, as well as healthcare organizations and providers, government and regulatory agencies, and other concerned individuals and groups important statistical information about potentially preventable diseases and conditions. Data in this report reflect diseases and conditions acquired by South Carolina residents only, including diseases and conditions contracted by South Carolina residents while traveling outside the state. In the first section of this report, we present and discuss data for frequent conditions. The second section presents data for infrequent conditions that have between four and 20 cases. The third section provides a brief synopsis of healthcare acquired infection data. The final section examines selected outbreaks that occurred in South Carolina. Lastly, a data table of reportable conditions by county can be found at the end of the report.
  • Publication
    Infant mortality: South Carolina 1999 (residence data)
    (South Carolina State Library, 2001-04) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Division of Biostatistics
    These tables give statistics on infant mortality rates in South Carolina.
  • Publication
    Infant mortality: South Carolina 1998 (residence data)
    (South Carolina State Library, 1999-11) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Division of Biostatistics
    These tables give statistics on infant mortality rates in South Carolina.
  • Publication
    It's a short distance to a wide gap in life expectancy
    (South Carolina State Library, 2018) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
    These maps show areas of life expectancy in various counties and cities in South Carolina.