State Revolving Fund Documents

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The State Revolving Fund (SRF) program provides low-interest rate loans for building or repair to wastewater and drinking water plants, collection and distribution systems, and stormwater quality improvement projects. The program is run by the SC Department of Environmental Services and the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA), Office of Local Government (OLG).


Recent Submissions

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    Guide to PERs for Clean Water SRF
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    This guide provides information for developing a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) that meets the requirements for funding construction projects covered by Section 212 of the Clean Water Act.
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    State Environmental Review Procedure for the South Carolina State Revolving Fund Program
    (2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund.
    The State Environmental Review Procedures (SERP) presented henceforth aim to satisfy the requirements of South Carolina (“the State”) to have a functionally equivalent review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers five elements of evaluation that the State incorporates in the environmental review process: legal foundation, interdisciplinary approach, decision documentation, public notice and participation, and alternatives consideration. These five elements are detailed in this document.
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    SRF New Project Webinar : Understanding the Process
    (2024-07-24) Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund
    These webinar slides contain useful information about the processes for new projects with the State Revolving Fund (SRF). It includes how the process works, preliminary engineering reports, permitting, plans, and specifications, competitive bidding and approval, SRF loan application processes, and construction and federal requirements.