State Revolving Fund Documents

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The State Revolving Fund (SRF) program provides low-interest rate loans for building or repair to wastewater and drinking water plants, collection and distribution systems, and stormwater quality improvement projects. The program is run by the SC Department of Environmental Services and the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA), Office of Local Government (OLG).


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    Disbursement Package for All Principal Forgiveness (APF) Projects
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund
    Under the State Revolving Fund (SRF), there are disbursement policies, procedures, and requirements that apply to all loan recipients, some of which appear in the Loan Assistance Agreement between the Project Sponsor and the South Carolina Water Quality Revolving Fund Authority. It is the responsibility of the Project Sponsor to comply with the provisions of the Loan Assistance Agreement, which is a legally binding document. While the disbursement policies, procedures, and requirements govern the SRF program as a whole, some relate more to the responsibilities of the Department of Environmental Services (DES) and others involve the Rural Infrastructure Authority, Office of Local Government (RIA), which administers the financial functions of the SRF for the SC Water Quality Revolving Fund Authority. In general terms, DES reviews the technical aspects of the draw requests and RIA disburses the monies. Both entities ensure compliance with the Loan Assistance Agreement, as well as other disbursement provisions contained herein.
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    Permit Guide for CWSRF and DWSRF Projects - General
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    This guide provides information to assist project sponsors in preparing a permit application package for projects funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) with general SRF requirements. CWSRF projects should be submitted through ePermitting, and a copy of all documents should be sent directly to the SRF project manager.
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    Guide for Lead Service Line Replacement Projects [updated]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-10) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    This guide outlines the process for implementing lead service line replacement (LSLR) projects that are funded by the SC Drinking Water (DW) State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Lead service line projects are drinking water projects where the DWSRF is funding activities directly connected to the planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines. Projects must be DWSRF eligible and be a LSLR project or associated activity. Any project funded under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement capitalization grant involving the replacement of a lead service line must replace the entire lead service line, not just a portion, unless a portion has already been replaced. The project sponsor and their engineer should work closely with the S.C. Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) project manager assigned to the project to initiate, design, and implement the project. This document was updated in October 2024.
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    Tools Fork Watershed Plan : Summer 2024
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-09) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services, Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund
    A watershed is an area of land that channels rainfall and occasionally snowmelt to streams and rivers. All land is part of a watershed, and watersheds do not follow jurisdictional boundaries. Watersheds play a pivotal role in collecting, filtering, and supplying water to ecosystems and human communities. Watershed Plans serve as a roadmap to maintain and improve watershed health by providing voluntary recommendations to address known water quality impairments within the watershed. By promoting sustainable land and water management practices, this Watershed Plan seeks to address bacterial, sediment, and nutrient pollution, and help improve low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels within the Tools Fork Watershed (HUC 030501030401). The goal is to ensure that both natural ecosystems and human communities can thrive and coexist harmoniously. One of the biggest benefits of creating a Watershed Plan is that it makes the watershed eligible for state and federal grants to address pollution problems in the watershed. One of those funding sources is the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program. These are federal monies that are awarded by the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (DES) to support public education, technical training, and management measures to improve water quality.
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    Guide for Lead Service Line Replacement Projects
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    This guide outlines the process for implementing lead service line replacement (LSLR) projects that are funded by the SC Drinking Water (DW) State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Lead service line projects are drinking water projects where the DWSRF is funding activities directly connected to the planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines. Projects must be DWSRF eligible and be a LSLR project or associated activity. Any project funded under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement capitalization grant involving the replacement of a lead service line must replace the entire lead service line, not just a portion, unless a portion has already been replaced. The project sponsor and their engineer should work closely with the S.C. Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) project manager assigned to the project to initiate, design, and implement the project.
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    Guide to Green Project Reserve (GPR) Eligible Projects
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    The Green Project Reserve (GPR) is a percentage of funds from an SRF capitalization grant intended to fund green projects in one of four categories: green infrastructure, water efficiency, energy efficiency, or other environmentally innovative activities. The GPR was first required as a provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for both Clean Water (CW) and Drinking Water (DW) SRF projects.
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    Guide to CWSRF Cost and Effectiveness Analysis
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    The Cost and Effectiveness Certification is used to certify that an SRF Project Sponsor has complied with the actions required by Section 602(b)(13) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA).
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    Clean Water State Revolving Fund Major Financial Policies FY 2025
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-10-01) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    Loan applications may be submitted to the Authority in care of the Office of Local Government, Rural Infrastructure Authority, for any eligible project that appears on the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) Priority Lists. No loan application will be considered complete until SCDES approves a Clean Water SRF (CWSRF) preliminary engineering report and issues a construction permit for the project, or alternative approval, as appropriate to the type of project. All eligible and reasonable costs associated with completing a project, including useful life reserve capacity, engineering expenses for the planning, design and construction phases, legal and appraisal fees, and land/right-of-way/easement acquisition may be included in a loan. See loan application instructions for more details. Specific determinations of eligibility will be made by SCDES, as needed. Loans will only be approved by the Authority for creditworthy applicants that can adequately demonstrate the ability to repay the requested loan.
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    Guide to PERs for Clean Water SRF
    (South Carolina State Library, 2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water. State Revolving Fund
    This guide provides information for developing a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) that meets the requirements for funding construction projects covered by Section 212 of the Clean Water Act.
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    State Environmental Review Procedure for the South Carolina State Revolving Fund Program
    (2024-07) South Carolina Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund.
    The State Environmental Review Procedures (SERP) presented henceforth aim to satisfy the requirements of South Carolina (“the State”) to have a functionally equivalent review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers five elements of evaluation that the State incorporates in the environmental review process: legal foundation, interdisciplinary approach, decision documentation, public notice and participation, and alternatives consideration. These five elements are detailed in this document.
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    SRF New Project Webinar : Understanding the Process
    (2024-07-24) Department of Environmental Services. Bureau of Water, State Revolving Fund
    These webinar slides contain useful information about the processes for new projects with the State Revolving Fund (SRF). It includes how the process works, preliminary engineering reports, permitting, plans, and specifications, competitive bidding and approval, SRF loan application processes, and construction and federal requirements.