College of Charleston Documents

College of Charleston publishes reports and documents on a wide-range of topics relating to the state and the college.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    College of Charleston Strategic Plan
    (South Carolina State Library, 2013-02) College of Charleston
    In order to achieve its envisioned future, the College has identified goals that will enable it to combine the personalized, student focus of a small teaching institution with the breadth of curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities of a research university. Under each goal statement is a short paragraph describing the specific results to be achieved by 2020. The goals are followed by strategies that address ways to close the gap between current reality and the envisioned future. The final section of the plan deals with enabling strategies - the organizational capabilities, people and processes required to achieve the College's goals - and for each strategy, there are bullet points representing tactics or starting points, subject to annual review. Dates for accomplishment of the strategies are suggested.
  • Publication
    College of Charleston
    (South Carolina State Library, 2013-08-14) College of Charleston
    This document gives information about the College of Charleston including a list of majors and minors, campus life and statistics on current students.
  • Publication
    Crossroads : Your Introduction to the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010-07) College of Charleston
    The College of Charleston experience is fundamental in shaping a successful individual who is a knowledgeable, flexible, versatile and confident leader. It is based on a first-rate, individualized liberal arts and sciences education. At the College, we offer a variety of interesting majors, minors and concentrations. Our exceptional faculty, who love to teach and care deeply about their students’ success, will be there to mentor you and give you individual attention. And, they’ll give you access to experiential learning opportunities that are normally available only at the graduate level.
  • Publication
    College of Charleston Planning and Reference Guide 2007
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-01) College of Charleston. Office of Institutional Research
    The goals stated here constitute broad guidelines for the design of educational programs, curricula, and supporting services. Each unit of the College will articulate the goals of learning which reflect its unique discipline, field, or area of service. Though strategies of implementation will vary from area to area, the goals address undergraduate and graduate education as well as offices of administrative services, thus providing the basic framework for articulation of goals by academic and administrative units.
  • Publication
    A Brief History
    (South Carolina State Library, 2012-01-17) College of Charleston
    This sheet depicts a short history of the College of Charleston.
  • Publication
    The State of Racial Disparities in Charleston County, South Carolina, 2000-2015
    (South Carolina State Library, 2017-11-14) Patton, Stacey; College of Charleston. Race and Social Justice Initiative; Avery Research Center
    This disparities report serves as a component of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. The data gathered here illuminate the social and economic conditions disproportionately impacting the county’s black population, particularly in the wake of rapid gentrification that is pricing out longtime black residents in the Downtown Peninsula. The statistics assembled here are part of a history of racial inequity in South Carolina that particularly informs the experiences of black residents in Charleston County. As such, they offer context and meaning for two high-profile crimes committed against black people in North Charleston and the City of Charleston in 2015, and the subsequent growing work around racial equity and social justice in the country.
  • Publication
    Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review Academic Years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-09) Cabot, Jeri O.; Goulet, Rachel; College of Charleston
    This biennial review is in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act Amendments of 1989, which added section 1213 to the Higher Education Act. These amendments require that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, an institution of higher education (IHE) must certify that it has adopted and implemented a drug prevention program as described in this part. The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act requires institutions of higher education (IHE) to conduct a biennial review of their alcohol and other drug (AOD) policies and prevention programs in order to identify and implement needed changes. The objectives of the biennial review are to determine the effectiveness of, and to implement any needed changes to the AOD prevention program and to ensure that campuses enforce the disciplinary sanctions for violating standards of conduct consistently. The following is the report resulting from the biennial review of the AOD prevention program implementation and policy development and enforcement at The College of Charleston for the period of August 1, 2018 through July 31, 2020.
  • Publication
    College of Charleston Campus Framework Plan
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023) College of Charleston
    The Campus Framework Plan created in conjunction with consulting teams from Beyer Blinder Belle Architect and Planners, Design Works, Kimley-Horn Associates, and Baumgartner Urban Systems Strategy (BUSS) supports the ongoing evolution of the College of Charleston campus, with multiple paths to implementation and flexibility to adapt to changing needs. Reflecting its place “in” and “of” the city of Charleston, the plan ensures that the campus continues to serve as a vibrant setting for academics, research, campus community, and civic engagement, showcasing both a historic and storied past and a thriving and innovative future.
  • Publication
    Metro Update
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-02-22) College of Charleston, Office of Economic Analysis
    This report gives statistics on the economic condition of the Charleston metropolitan area including unemployment rates, labor force, housing construction, and housing prices.
  • Publication
    Metro Update
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015-05) College of Charleston, Office of Economic Analysis
    This report gives statistics on the economic condition of the Charleston metropolitan area including unemployment rates, labor force, housing construction, and housing prices.
  • Publication
    Metro Update
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015-03-25) College of Charleston, Office of Economic Analysis
    This report gives statistics on the economic condition of the Charleston metropolitan area including unemployment rates, labor force, housing construction, and housing prices.
  • Publication
    Metro Update
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014-11/10) College of Charleston, Office of Economic Analysis
    This report gives statistics on the economic condition of the Charleston metropolitan area including unemployment rates, labor force, housing construction, and housing prices.
  • Publication
    Metro Update
    (South Carolina State Library, 2010-05-17) College of Charleston, Office of Economic Analysis
    This report gives statistics on the economic condition of the Charleston metropolitan area including unemployment rates, labor force, housing construction, and housing prices.
  • Publication
    South Carolina earthquakes - why do we have them?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    Unlike California, South Carolina lies on what is known in geology as a 'passive margin'. This means that we are in the middle of a tectonic plate rather than on the edge of one where two plates are grinding past each other (think of the Earth as covered in log rafts, California is where 2 log rafts move past each other while South Carolina is in the middle of the North American raft).
  • Publication
    Locating, measuring and predicting earthquakes - how do we do it?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    Locating an earthquake is usually done by reading the time that P- and S-waves arrive at a group (three or more) of seismograph stations.
  • Publication
    How do earthquakes cause damage?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    Earthquakes cause damage as a result of the different waves that they produce as the earthquake energy moves through and on the Earth.
  • Publication
    What happens during an earthquake?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    Earthquakes occur because friction holds the rock masses on either side of the fault together, while plate motion slowly bends and stretches the rock, storing energy much like the energy stored in a stretched rubber band. An individual earthquake occurs when the stored energy becomes greater than the friction, and the rock masses suddenly slip along the fault.
  • Publication
    Why are there earthquakes?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    Generally earthquakes are found at plate boundaries where two tectonic plates are moving past each other. As they move past each other they sometimes stick, and then release that motion in the form of an earthquake.
  • Publication
    What is an earthquake?
    (South Carolina State Library, 2007-10-29) College of Charleston. Department of Geology and Environmental Science
    An earthquake is caused by the release of energy built up in the earth where rocks are sliding past one another.
  • Publication
    The story of Burke High School : improving a low-performing school through partnerships
    (South Carolina State Library, 2009-09) College of Charleston. School of Education, Health, and Human Performance; Donnelly, Laura; Egelson, Paula; Heitger, Christy; Jurs, Steve
    Burke High School is on the rise, primarily due to a community-partnership approach coordinated by the College’s Center for Partnerships to Improve Education. College faculty and staff, the business community, nonprofit representatives, school district administrators, and government officials joined together to strengthen the school while at the same time weathered the ups and downs of the volatile school improvement process as a team. The purpose of this document is to describe the partnership turnaround approach used at Burke High, provide outcome data to support the improvement of the school, offer suggestions for turning around students in low-performing schools and share information on how to avoid the possible pitfalls standing in the way of school improvement. The target audience includes school district administrators, deans of schools of education, state departments of education and education policymakers.