South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council Documents

The South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council publishes documents to promote the independent living philosophy of consumer choice, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and systems advocacy.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    South Carolina and the ADA : what state and local governments need to know
    (2021-09-28) South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council
    This sheet explains the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Publication
    Do you want to advocate for disability rights? :join the South Carolina SILC!
    (2022-02-23) South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council
    This explains what the South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council is and how you can join it.
  • Publication
    Fair food for all
    (2019-08-19) South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council; Able South Carolina
    This sheet gives customer service tips and accessibility tips for vendors at fairs to better assist disabled customers.
  • Publication
    Inclusive emergency communication checklist
    (2017-09-07) South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council; Able South Carolina
    Use this checklist to assist with coordinating the details of press conferences and/or other emergency communications to ensure that everyone is getting the same life-saving information, including viewers with disabilities. In the event of an emergency or disaster, it's important to understand what effective communication is and that everyone shares a responsibility, including state and local government and the media!
  • Publication
    “Visitable” homes : a quick infoguide
    (2017-10-09) South Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council; Able South Carolina
    A home is visitable when it meets these three basic requirements: one zero-step exterior entrance, doors with 32 inches of clear passage space, one bathroom on the main floor you can use with a wheelchair. Homes that are built with accessibility in-mind provide real value to buyers thinking about their parent who uses a walker or friend in a wheelchair.