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The Certified Public Manager (CPM) program is an 18-month management development program accredited by the National COM Consortium and has been offered through the Budget & Control Board since 1996. The program provides training and on the job learning in problem solving, human resource development, and innovative management practices. Completion of the program requires a written report by each participant.
Reports created in 2016 and onward can be located in the Department of Administration collection. Reports created in 2016 and onward can be located in the Department of Administration collection.Browse
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Publication WORKFORCE PLANNING FOR SC DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH NURSING(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-11) Miller, Joseph C.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis project as it relates to the South Carolina Department of Mental Health looks at the hiring, training and the retention of qualified licensed practical nurses and registered nurses.Publication Research and Analysis of High Turnover Rate of Child Protective Service Case Managers(South Carolina State Library, 2015-03-17) Dawkins, Shalonie J.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe following research is designed to answer the question: "Why is the turnover rate for child protective services Case Managers in comparison to other employees, particularly case managers in other areas, of Spartanburg County Department of Social Services higher than desired?" This research looks at why Child Protective Service workers separate from the office and what is needed to improve the turnover rate .Publication Psychological evaluations : a uniformed approach(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Bennett, Amahl; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramOnce the Family Court Judge issues an order for either a secure or community evaluation, a report is prepared by the DJJ Psychologist. The evaluation process may vary from evaluation center, circuit, or manner in which the report is written including how and what tests are administered as well as the length of the report. A document with this much importance that is provided to the court and used as a forensic evaluation should be uniformed in it's approach. This paper examines the possibilities through a uniformed approach in which a Psychologist can communicate through a well written report to Judges, Solicitors, Public Defenders, and county office case managers in a language that everyone understands without the use of an interpreter.Publication ORS Audit Department Work Paper Preparation and Work Paper Review Process Standardization(South Carolina State Library, 2010-02-03) Sullivan, Daniel; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramOne essential function of the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff's Audit Department is to ensure that utilities file accurate and properly supported rate case applications. Without audit department review, utilities could purposely misstate financial information on rate case applications to obtain higher rates, more profit and more return for their shareholders, while unduly penalizing rate payers. Currently within the audit department, there are four audit manager's whose teams are completing audits, preparing work papers, and reviewing audit work papers differently. Managers and staff are following their own individual established processes, preparation and documentation standards. The purpose of this project is to investigate work paper preparation techniques, standards, practices, etc. with the goal of standardizing the audit department's audit processes, work paper preparation and work paper review processes. Standardization will assist in eliminating any discrepancies between managers and staff in the way audits are conducted and documented.Publication Individual Employment Services Pilot(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-12) Chorey, Jacob L.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe purpose of this project is to address how to increase the number of consumers served by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs who access desired individual employment services in integrated, community settings from our network of contracted service providers, as opposed to other, center-based Day Services (i.e., in segregated settings). Supporting more of the agency's consumers to obtain and maintain employment would reduce the reliance on programs that are more costly to the state on a per-person-per-year basis and are already at or near capacity .Publication Improve Training Initiatives - Develop and Implement Field Training Guide(South Carolina State Library, 2015-01-22) Farray, Dandra R.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramMuch of what we do at SCVRD centers around training- training clients to get competitive employment, as well as training staff to continuously deliver quality services to clients. Field training efforts in the Vocational Assessment Program have not been successful in terms of the time, effort, and the results of the training. The decision was made to take a more directed approach to training staff that would enhance the skills of the subject matter experts and strengthen methodologies typically used. This paper examines that training.Publication The Importance and Implementation of the Funeral Home Case Status Form and the Memorandum of Understanding(South Carolina State Library, 2015-01-30) Snipes, Genita L.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe mission of SOVA is to assist eligible crime victims and their families in putting the pieces of their lives back together. In order for any crime victim to receive benefits and services offered by SOVA, all of the eligibility criteria must be met. If one or more of the criteria are not met, then SOVA has the authority to either reduce the award or deem the claim ineligible. This project, focuses on death claims received in the agency and investigated by staff members of the InvestigationsPublication Implementation of a Position Description Process for the South Carolina Judicial Department(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Donnelly, Sharlayne B.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis paper examines the need to have position descriptions for jobs in the South Carolina Judicial Department.Publication Impact and Effectiveness of Student Internship Program on Employment Outcomes(South Carolina State Library, 2015-04-30) Sandel, Cali; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis paper examines the internship program offered at the South Carolina Commission for the Blind.Publication Evaluating Project Award Success: Enhancement Projects(South Carolina State Library, 2015) Barker, Julie; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis paper analyses bids and bidding process from contractors working on enhancement projects funded by the Federal Highway Administration. Eligible projects include the following activities: pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities, streetscaping projects.Publication Ensuring Quality Social Work Services : Where do we go from here?(South Carolina State Library, 2015) Giesen, Jan H.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramEnsuring the continued provision of quality social work services at SCDJJ has many facets. Recruitment, training, supervising, and providing a workplace conducive to the job are a few of those facets. This paper examines these facets and suggests recommendations for "where do we go" form here.Publication ELECTION CYCLE PROJECT PLAN(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02) Leach, Brian; Whitmire, Chris; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramIn this project, the authors set out to alleviate election problems by researching and developing a comprehensive Election Cycle Project Plan. The goal was to start with existing SEC and county office procedures (documented and undocumented), identify and correct any inaccuracies and inconsistencies, identify improvements, and compile those existing tasks and improvements into a single election cycle project plan, using a Gantt Matrix style project management tool. The idea was to gather the scattered guidance into an accessible, usable, comprehensive document that can be used to get election officials on the same page and to provide a resource for the onboarding of new directors .Publication Traffic Signals : Managing our Assets(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Langland, Patricia E.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramSCDOT has identified a performance gap in the area of tracking particular equipment from cradle to grave. Unlike many other roadway assets, traffic signal assets are not all installed in the field. Many assets are stored in signal shop inventories for use in repairing assets when needed. By not accurately accounting for these assets and tracking assets at all times, SCDOT is not providing a complete picture of the traffic signal assets in the State. The focus of this project was the performance gap identified above, the tracking of equipment from purchase to disposal.Publication Continuity of Care : Improving Communication and Transitions between Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment in the South Carolina Department of Mental Health(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Gehr, David S.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe South Carolina Department of Mental Health system is made up of both inpatient and outpatient settings to support the recovery of South Carolina citizens with mental illness. When a patient transitions between the inpatient and outpatient settings, it is important to ensure continuity of care so that the receiving system can fully address the individual's needs. This paper explores the current system at CDMHC, staffing patterns, proposed restructuring, integrating two systems: clinical and care coordination and costs.Publication Call Center and Filing Efficiency Study : A Roadmap for Improving Division Productivity(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-03) Wickersham, Kimberly; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis study is being done to determine if the business filings division, and the agency in general, would be able to meet its customer service goals on a more consistent basis by creating a call center for the agency, and whether there are any other factors that are keeping the division from meeting its desired goals.Publication Best Practices in Law Enforcement Mentoring(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Geary, Irick T. J.This paper describes the mentoring program at the University of South Carolina Division of Law Enforcement & Safety.Publication The Benefits of Going Paperless in Accounting for and Tracking SCDMV Assets(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-01) Juchum, Thomas H.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThis paper deals with changing the inventory process at the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles from using transfer sheets to exploring new ways of processing any or all of this information and readily research and consider all technology that could and should make this happen. By possibility going "green," the agency may be able to migrate from its paper-based tracking system to one that is online, and one that is done in as much as possible in real-time.Publication AUTOMATION OF IBM MAINFRAME TIME SHARING OPTION ACCESS(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-03) Wilds, Brannon; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe purpose of this project is to streamline the TSO Access Request Process, eliminate processes where possible through automation, self-service, and consolidation, and is part of a larger initiative from our leadership at the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to improve processes.Publication Assessing Training Needs for the SC Department of Natural Resources Marine Resources Division Staff(South Carolina State Library, 2015-03-01) Keppler, Blaik; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramWith 200 staff members performing a wide variety of functions, a well-structured audience needs assessment is a crucial first step towards efficient coordination of training for all MRD staff. Presented in this report are the results of an audience needs assessment and associated recommendations. The objectives of the needs assessment described here were (a) identify key skills and knowledge required by MRD staff, (b) identify gaps in skills or knowledge related to key functions, (c) identify interest training on certain topics and skills, and (d) gain insight into preferred training delivery methods, format, and timing.Publication An Investigation into Travel : Finding Solutions to Benefit the Agency and Explorers(South Carolina State Library, 2015-02-02) Wood, Torina R. McGee; South Carolina Certified Public Manager ProgramThe subject of this investigation is the Department of Health and Human Services current policies and procedures for authorizing travel expenses and preparing, reviewing, and approving travel reimbursement documents.