Department of Mental Health Documents

The South Carolina Department of Mental Health publishes a variety of documents on mental health issues and agency programs.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    South Carolina Department of Mental Health Board Training Manual for Community Mental Health Center Boards [updated]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-12-08) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    The purpose of this manual is to provide you with general principles for the operation of community boards, basic information about the Department of Mental Health, the laws and statutes that govern the agency and the state-wide DMH system of care.
  • Publication
    Puzzles, Pictures and Paper Airplanes : What We Do When Our Parents Get Sick
    (South Carolina State Library, 1995) Craft, Susan F.; Massey, Richard C.; Collina, Lucy Lee; South Carolina State Department of Mental Health
    This is a story about children of mentally ill parents and how the cope.
  • Publication
    Homeshare Toward Local Care Provider Handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-03) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    Homeshare is a program of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health which provides intensive and individualized community-based mental health services for adults who are psychiatrically disabled. Each patient is matched with a “provider” who offers in home daily living supports and assistance in a home environment. This handbook give operational guidelines for providers of services for these patients.
  • Publication
    Homeshare Toward Local Care Provider Handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2011) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    Homeshare is a program of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health which provides intensive and individualized community-based mental health services for adults who are psychiatrically disabled. Each patient is matched with a “provider” who offers in home daily living supports and assistance in a home environment. This handbook give operational guidelines for providers of services for these patients.
  • Publication
    Are You Ready? : a Guide to Disaster Planning for Clients and Staff
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014-05-06) South Carolina Department of Mental Health; Roberts, Katherine
    This PowerPoint presentation discusses disasters and how to prepare for them.
  • Publication
    Blueprint for Resilience : Services for Children, Adolescents and their Families July 1, 2004- June 30, 2009
    (South Carolina State Library, 2004-08) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    The Blueprint For Resiliency, a strategic plan that will improve the lives of our children and establish a foundation for our system of care, will address early detection, assessment, treatment and needed supports that will promote the mental health of our children. The Blueprint is our plan to design and implement a comprehensive spectrum of mental health and other services which are organized into a network to meet the needs of our children and their families.
  • Publication
    Are you ready? : a guide to disaster planning for clients and staff
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006) South Carolina Department of Mental Health; Roberts, Katherine
    This guide was developed to help clients and staff of the Department of Mental Health prepare for natural disasters and unexpected emergencies. In addition to information to help you prepare for an emergency two Personal Emergency Information sheets are included in this guide. They can be easily removed. A copy can be placed in a clients chart; the other is given to the client for placement in a family emergency file, or hung in a convenient place (i.e. on a refrigerator) for quick access.
  • Publication
    Tornado! : a coloring book
    (South Carolina State Library, 2005-12-14) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This coloring book was produced to help children cope with the trauma of living through a tornado.
  • Publication
    Forgotten lives forgotten burials : acknowledging the past, restoring dignity
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014-05-06) South Carolina Department of Mental Health; SC Committee to Preserve and Restore Historic Cemeteries
    Hundreds of the mentally ill from South Carolina were buried with virtually no recognition of their existence. Over the years these forgotten and neglected graves of persons who died in state psychiatric hospitals conveys a message of devaluing the people who struggled with mental illness, contributes to the burden of stigma that people still face today and perpetuates the negative image of mental illness. The purpose of this presentation is to acknowledge that history, to help erase that stigma and to honor the lives of those who bravely fought mental illness, and died in the system.
  • Publication
    Hurricane : a coloring book
    (South Carolina State Library, 2005-11-14) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This coloring book was produced to help children cope with the trauma of living through a hurricane.
  • Publication
    History of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    (South Carolina State Library, 2006-10-18) South Carolina Department of Mental Health; Craft, Susan
    This is a short history of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.
  • Publication
    [South Carolina uniform application FY 2014/2015 state behavioral health assessment and plan community mental health services block grant]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2014) South Carolina Center for Mental Health Services, Division of State and Community Systems Development; South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This document contains information required to obtain a community mental health services block grant.
  • Publication
    [South Carolina uniform application FY 2012/2013 state behavioral health assessment and plan community mental health services block grant]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2012-05-11) South Carolina Center for Mental Health Services, Division of State and Community Systems Development; South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This document contains information required to obtain a community mental health services block grant.
  • Publication
    South Carolina uniform application FY 2016/2017 state behavioral health assessment and plan community mental health services block grant
    (South Carolina State Library, 2015) South Carolina Center for Mental Health Services, Division of State and Community Systems Development; South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This document contains information required to obtain a community mental health services block grant.
  • Publication
    South Carolina uniform application 2011 state plan community mental health services block grant
    (South Carolina State Library, 2011-01-26) South Carolina Center for Mental Health Services, Division of State and Community Systems Development; South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This document contains information required to obtain a community mental health services block grant.
  • Publication
    South Carolina uniform application FY 2010 community mental health services block grant
    (South Carolina State Library, 2009-08-31) South Carolina Center for Mental Health Services, Division of State and Community Systems Development; South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This document contains information required to obtain a community mental health services block grant.
  • Publication
    [Letter to the Governor concerning school-based mental health services program June 5, 2023]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2023-06-05) South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services; Kerr, Robert M.
    On May 3, 2022, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced the results of its comprehensive review of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health’s school mental health services program and seven recommendations to improve access to mental health services in South Carolina schools. This letter to the governor updates the progress of the program.
  • Publication
    [Letter to the Governor concerning school-based mental health services program May 3, 2022]
    (South Carolina State Library, 2022-05-03) South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services; Kerr, Robert M.
    On May 3, 2022, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced the results of its comprehensive review of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health’s school mental health services program and seven recommendations to improve access to mental health services in South Carolina schools. This letter to the governor updates the progress of the program.
  • Publication
    Homeshare toward local care provider handbook
    (South Carolina State Library, 2013-08-28) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    Homeshare is a program of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health which provides intensive and individualized community-based mental health services for adults who are psychiatrically disabled. Each patient is matched with a “provider” who offers in home daily living supports and assistance in a home environment. This handbook give operational guidelines for providers of services for these patients.
  • Publication
    150 years - healing with concern
    (South Carolina State Library, 2016-05-13) South Carolina Department of Mental Health
    This is a short history of the South Carolina State Hospital and ther South Carolina Department of Mental Health.