Certified Public Manager Projects 2020

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This collection includes the CPM projects for 2020 that have been approved by the Department of Administration to be published.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Valuing a Critical Workforce: A Comprehensive Study into the Retention of Quality Maintenance Personnel for the South Carolina SCDOT of Transportation
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-04) Bagley, Mike; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This project will try to propose opportunities within the South Carolina Department of Transportation that would retain a skilled maintenance employee from potentially seeking a career outside of the SCDOT. Specifically, this project will focus on the Highway Maintenance Workers that are employed by Lexington Maintenance.
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    Time, Leave, and Compensation
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-09-16) Wardlaw, Daniel F.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    There are several policies adopted by the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice that address time, leave and compensation. There are no procedures developed to define best practices in managing how actual worked time and paid/unpaid leave should be recorded in the South Carolina Enterprise Information System. This research may help uncover discrepancies in the manner time and leave are recorded and managed which could lead to a relief in budgetary strain.
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    Reducing Time-to-Hire in South Carolina State Government
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Howard, Eugenia; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    It is hard for organizations to find qualified candidates. Identifying and then remedying the reasons for State government’s slow time-to-hire may position the State to better compete with the private sector for top talent.
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    Rebuilding of the Agency Accountability Report
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-15) Buckley, Kimberly C.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Attorney General’s Office needed a formal process and leadership investment to establish the required goals, strategies, and measures to make the agency’s accountability report meaningful and functional. The goal was to create a living, breathing, continually growing strategic plan that is unbeatable and showcases a team of pristine excellence.
  • Publication
    Quality in, Quality out: Improving the SC Student Information System Training Program
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Cothran, J. Wyatt; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The end-user training for the application schools use to record and operationalize student information is known as the Student Information System (SIS). The goal of this project is to improve this particular work process so that schools can more confidently rely on SIS data to inform student-centered decisions and, therefore, enhance the ability of the SC public education system to graduate students prepared for success.
  • Publication
    Project Management Policy and Standard Operating Procedures
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Wallace, Jennifer; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Department of Juvenile Justice presently does not have a policy or standard operating procedures to provide guidance and governance on how the Agency accepts, plans, executes, and monitors projects. Developing a standard and following one protocol would ensure appropriate project planning, development, execution, tracking and monitoring both within Strategic Operations and Divisions and Offices throughout the Department of Juvenile Justice. This improvement will allow divisions and offices to operate and collaborate more effectively and efficiently.
  • Publication
    Process Improvement in Payables for Travel Related Documents
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-03-01) Skeen, Michelle; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Accounts Payable Department is charged with reviewing expenditure documentation for accuracy and validity, and giving final approval for disbursing funds for payment of goods and services. Currently we electronically process travel related documents into the accounting system as we receive them from all forty-six counties and twelve departments within the agency. The goal is to determine the main factors involved in the travel process in order to create a more efficient process for these types of documents to meet the ever changing needs of government, thus, not only improving our payment term turnaround but also providing a more efficient and transparent process for our internal customers.
  • Publication
    Optimizing Employee Relations
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-01-22) Crum, Jenna Y.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The goal of this research project is to better manage the demand for Employee Relations services across SCDOR’s 7 office locations through the implementation of improved or new processes, techniques, and/or technologies.
  • Publication
    Improving Vendor Performance Management and Tracking Across State Agencies
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-01) Craig, Kimber H.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The ability to document a vendor’s performance on prior contracts is critical to evaluating vendor responsibility. Currently, each agency measures a vendor’s performance independently. There is no standardized process for collecting, tracking, and reporting a vendor’s performance on contracts across the state. Nor is there an established method for agencies to share this information with each other. A centralized tracking and reporting process is needed to monitor vendor performance on contracts statewide.
  • Publication
    Impact of Product Development
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Druce, Jennifer R.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    “Product development” refers to the real estate component of economic development. In 2014 the General Assembly established the LocateSC fund. This new fund was created specifically to proactively prepare property for economic development projects and ensure the state remained competitive. The goal of this project is to define successful product development and determine the appropriate performance measures, as well as, the process to capture the data, in order to illustrate the LocateSC fund’s ability to aid in it.
  • Publication
    Engaging Families in School-Based Mental Health Services
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-01) Mitchell-Oliver, Karen; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    SCDMH believes family participation in treatment is essential to the recovery process. To ensure we support the recovery of people with mental illness, our school-based clinicians are rated on providing 20% of family therapy within their EPMS review period. Providing 20% of family therapy has been difficult to reach with majority of our school-based clinicians over the past couple of years. This project was selected to explore ways to improve family engagement in treatment and determine barriers and strategies to increase family engagement with patients 18 and under.
  • Publication
    Duplication of Recording Accomplishments within the South Carolina Forestry Commission Project Foresters’ Reporting System
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-24) Weeks, Michael; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Currently South Carolina Forestry Commission Project Foresters use six different report formats to document their accomplishments each month. There is a need to streamline the process to avoid duplication and eliminate opportunities for errors in Project Foresters’ accomplishment reporting. There is also a need to make the reporting tools more user friendly on both the data entry and the running of reports side. This paper addresses those needs.
  • Publication
    Developing Our Claims Employees
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-05) Stevenson, Nancy D.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Insurance Reserve Fund hires employees from the private sector who have insurance claims handling experience. These employees need to transition from private sector claims handling to the challenges of governmental claims. This employee transition process needs to be standardized to insure competency in critical job duties and provide measurable results. The goal is to complete a proposal for development and implementation of a consistent protocol for claims handling expectations with a focus on employee performance enhancement.
  • Publication
    Developing a Standardized Process for Customized Training Requests and Contracts
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-11) South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program; Curry, Serphia D.
    There is currently no standard process to receive customized training requests, create training proposals, and track requests and contracts for our customized trainings. The Statewide Training team needs a standard process that can be measured in a consistent manner. This project was chosen because developing a tracking mechanism for requests received by the Statewide Training team will ensure that we are responding timely to requests and close the gaps on any potential mishandling of requests or contracts.
  • Publication
    Vehicle Collision Advisory Letter
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-03-17) Burrell, Sonya S.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    This paper will examine the percentage of customers who are not insured, suggesting better practices for informing customers about the requirements before and after a suspension is placed on their driver’s license, which results from being insured at the time of a car accident. In an effort to improve the Financial Responsibility Accident Unit (FRAU)’s quality of service to its customers and staff, there are two goals this project aims to achieve: (1) increase awareness of the FRAU suspension process to SCDMV’s customers and (2) implement an automated system that electronically processes the Vehicle Collision Advisory Letters - replacing the manual letters.
  • Publication
    VPN Access Process
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-01-24) Lambert, Rick; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The goal of this project is to examine the request process for Virtual Private Network (VPN) access to sensitive systems on campus. A VPN allows access to systems on campus that may contain sensitive information or to systems on campus from remote locations in a secure manner. Unauthorized access could pose a threat to the system in question or the information contained/processed by that system. This project aligns with the University of South Carolina’s Division of Information Technology Strategic Priorities.
  • Publication
    Reducing Federal Share of Medicaid Overpayments
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Hames, Barry; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services needs an effective method to identify, document, and report Medicaid providers who owe overpayments, but have declared bankruptcy and/or gone out of business, and the overpayment cannot be recovered but a federal share payment is still due CMS. This paper addresses that problem.
  • Publication
    Is Your Business Better Because of Us?: The Journey to Determining Impact
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-12-27) Teasdel, Ashley; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Business Services Division has experienced an increase over the past few years in business support inquiries, which points to the quality of service, relevant programmatic support based on the needs in the marketplace and program brand awareness. Currently a consistent process for measuring the outcomes to understand the impact that internal programs are having on the state’s business community does not exist. The goal of this project is to research customer follow up programs, processes and/or systems and determine applicable performance measures that could be implemented within divisions procedures.
  • Publication
    Improving the Juvenile Grievance Delivery Process
    (South Carolina State Library, 2020-02-03) Samuel, Vontresa T.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    The Juvenile Family Relations Coordinators spend numerous hours traveling to the camps to collect grievances. The research for the Certified Public Managers project will serve to evaluate the current processes for collecting juvenile grievances and provide suggestions for improvement. Many grievance forms from the marine and wilderness camps are not received within 24 hours of collection. The goal of this project is to improve efficiency of the grievance process and reducing the delay of receipt of grievances from marine and wilderness camps located outside of the central office location in Columbia.
  • Publication
    Methods for the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to Fund Disaster Response Activities
    (South Carolina State Library, 2019-02-03) Blair, Jamie D.; South Carolina Certified Public Manager Program
    Currently, there is not a process to fund disaster response and recovery within the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). This also applies to other state agencies, county, and local jurisdictions without utilizing funds already allocated to the agency. This funding method causes the agency to use funds that were already allocated to other programs resulting in a reduction of the services from the programs those funds came from. The purpose of this research is to learn if other states have programs in place dedicated to funding disaster/emergency response and recovery efforts, how successful those programs are, and if any of them would work within DHEC (or other state agencies in South Carolina).