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The Certified Public Manager (CPM) program is an 18-month management development program accredited by the National COM Consortium and has been offered through the Budget & Control Board since 1996. The program provides training and on the job learning in problem solving, human resource development, and innovative management practices. Completion of the program requires a written report by each participant.
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Publication Priming Projects for Production - A Three-Pronged Approach(South Carolina State Library, 2014-03-04) Shepherd, A. MichelleIn January 2012, SCDOT Secretary of Transportation created a Manpower Management Task Force team, for the purpose of determining the agency's manpower requirements, using a broad personnel-to-task or workload analysis across all work areas and functions of SCDOT. The overall goal of this effort was to determine the optimum number of employees and type of skills needed to perform the many tasks within SCDOT. This project represents the first phase of research to identify a proposed process improvement that, if implemented, would establish a systematic way of priming projects for production, using a three-pronged approach: 1. Project Categorization 2. Project Development 3. Project Distribution.Publication STREAMLINING THE PROJECT PROGRAMMING PROCESS(South Carolina State Library, 2014-04) Gibson, Lynsee R.This CPM Project submittal revolves around the development and implementation of a new Project Programming System within the South Carolina Department of Transportation. Specifically, the initial assessment of how the implementation was handled and whether the system is alleviating the issues the Department identified with its evaluation of the current project programming process.Publication A review of transit performance data : collection and reporting(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-03) Lackey, Diane M.The South Carolina Department of Transportation Office of Public Transit has been moving towards a statewide performance-based process for planning and programming purposes. The goal has been to develop measures that show success towards specific organizational goals either defined by the Federal Transit Administration and/or through the SCDOT strategic planning document. The primary intent for this review was to assess the opportunity for streamlining SCDOT Office of Public Transit data collection and reporting requirements.Publication A review of community division training(South Carolina State Library, 2014-01-03)This paper explores the basic training for community specialists held at the Department of Juvenile Justice.Publication Representative Payee Accountability Of Discharged Patients from Institutions(South Carolina State Library, 2013-11-18) Kimpson-Payne, Kathy M.This project was selected to examine the effectiveness, efficiency, or flaws that exist in the activation process for entitlements on a selected number of mental health clients discharged to the community, of which the Orangeburg Area Mental Health Center is serving as the representative payee.Publication Reorganizing IT Resources into Depots "Improving Efficiencies and Managing Hardware Lifecycles"(South Carolina State Library, 2014) King, GregHistorically DHEC's IT infrastructure has been separated by Bureaus, Districts, Program Areas, etc. The reorganization of the agency in the spring of 2013 consolidated DHEC into four Regions and Central Office. There were huge redundancies concerning purchases, support, and life cycles of equipment, as well as disposal of outdated equipment. It was necessary to reduce these redundancies and help the IT staff headquartered in various geographic areas of the state become more of a single unit "on the same page". The goal of this project was to develop a process to streamline, consolidate, and standardize the IT infrastructure.Publication Welcome Center Data Collection Process Improvement(South Carolina State Library, 2014-01-29) Harris, Devon M.This paper explores the tabulation of statistical data provided by tourists at South Carolina welcome centers and how this process could be improved.Publication Overhauled and Restructured Transitioning From New Hire Orientation to New Hire Onboarding(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-03) Rivers, Georgette P.This paper describes the New Hire Orientation program at the South Carolina Judicial Department. The scope of this project is to evaluate SCJD's current NHO efforts agency-wide and by individual employees and hiring managers, and identify opportunities for development of a comprehensive onboarding program. Research on best practices and NHO data will be used in development of recommendations for the design and implementation of the onboarding program.Publication Out of Many, One: Improving the Process of Providing Reports to the SC Board of Juvenile Parole and DJJ Release Authority(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-02) Hill, Elizabeth A.This paper describes the juvenile justice parole process and the interaction between the different agencies responsible for the release of the juvenile offender.Publication "What's Your Brief?"(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-03) Famolari, PaulThis paper describes the process of appealing any contested issue involving unemployment insurance.Publication Onbase Workflow: SSI-lnstitutional(South Carolina State Library, 2014-03-05) Tolliver, RonicaIn 2012, South Carolina Department of Health and Human Service released a new document imaging system, Onbase, for the housing of all eligibility documents. In Onbase, SSl-Institutional includes, General Hospital, Nursing Home, Home and Community Based Services and Optional State Supplementation. This paper will be discussing the process improvements related to the process driven workflow for the SSl-institutional programs, Nursing Home and Home and Community Based Waiver Services.Publication The Office of Economic Opportunity: An Analysis of Information Sharing Between The Auditing and Monitoring Departments(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-10) Curtis, DebbieThe Office of Economic Opportunity was implemented to act as oversight for monies provided for by the federal government for the purpose of helping low income families in our state. Monies are awarded in the form of grants. This paper found that the programmatic and financial auditing units of the Office need to establish a consistent, comprehensive process of sharing information, specifically information regarding anomalies discovered in the course of their respective responsibilities. Once this process has been implemented, the specific auditing processes should be reviewed and evaluated.Publication Meeting the Pharmaceutical Shipping Needs in the New Pee Dee Health Region(South Carolina State Library, 2014-01-28) Fesler, JohnAs the chief procurement officer for the Pee Dee Health Region, it is the author's responsibility to ensure that staff in the region has the supplies and services needed to perform their jobs. Since the former Public Health Region 6 expanded in the reorganization from three counties to twelve, procurement operations as a whole have undergone dramatic and sweeping changes, and continue to evolve almost daily. This project will focus primarily on providing essential pharmaceutical supplies to eighteen widely scattered health departments located throughout the Pee Dee Region.Publication Managing District Level Communications With the Public(South Carolina State Library, 2013-12) Edwards, Victor M.Over the years, the South Carolina Department of Transportation has attempted to meet the public's desire for accessibility and transparency by adding additional methods of communication. The department continues to find new ways for the public to contact and communicate more directly with engineering staff. This project will focus on three data input systems, and attempt to identify if there is redundancy in the three systems and/or the amount of time spent in reviewing old data to determine an answer. lt is also hoped that some means can be identified so that records coming into the office can be quickly scanned to provide a higher level of consistency to various concerns.Publication Improving the Use of the Grants System(South Carolina State Library, 2014-01-27) Miley, FrancesThis paper deals with the use of the Grant Management module in SCEIS for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. It was found that it was difficult to use and the Department still had to maintain separate spreadsheets in order to track grants as do several other agencies. In order for SCPRT and other agencies to track their grants in SCEIS, changes need to occur either at SCEIS by lifting the budget ceiling requirement they have in place in the Grant Management module or at the State Budget Office by allowing agencies to load their total budget authorization needed for their grants.Publication Improving the Asphalt Materials Acceptance Process(South Carolina State Library, 2014) Hawkins, Chad W.The purpose of this project is to examine the current means of acceptance for Hot Mix Asphalt as directed by the technical specifications, such as SC-M-400, and determine if the process can be improved to meet the requirements as directed by state and federal guidelines. By examining current methodologies for compliance with specifications and guidelines, this project will attempt to improve the process as it compares not only the requirements needed for acceptance but also the staffing levels on a district and a statewide level to optimum current resources.Publication HELPING PRO SE PETITIONERS NAVIGATE THE APPEALS PROCESS(South Carolina State Library, 2014-03-04) Johnson, Renee H.South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is the state agency responsible for determining Medicaid eligibility and paying provider claims for services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries. Most appeal requests are filed by Medicaid applicants/beneficiaries who are not familiar with the appeal process and do not know what evidence is needed in order to properly argue their case. Every court, board, or agency that hears appeals for self-represented or pro se appellants should have information available online to answer basic questions and contact information for more in depth questions. The SCDHHS Division of Appeals and Hearings did not have any such information available. As a result of this study, the Division now does have that information on its web site.Publication Environmental document process improvement within the SC Department of Transportation(South Carolina State Library, 2013-12-20) Robbins, Heather M.SCDOT's Environmental Services Division is responsible for securing the necessary environmental documentation required for all SCDOT construction and maintenance projects throughout the state. Even if a project is only partially funded with federal funds, it still requires an environmental document. As such, the timely completion of environmental documents is imperative to the efficient operation of SCDOT to achieve its core mission. Consultants hired by SCDOT complete environmental documents in a condensed time frame, as compared to when environmental documents are completed in-house. This paper examines that if a more efficient process can be developed to approve environmental documents, then the entire project development process through construction would benefit.Publication Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): "A Journey, Not a Destination"(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-03) Ramsey, Frankie B.The goal of this project is to research and identify techniques, methods, frameworks, and/or tools that can help advance the SC Housing's Enterprise risk management/control self-assessment objectives by enabling CSA to be a consistently applied management driven self-assessment process applied across the entire SC Housing to include testing of internal controls, (CSA phase three) performing annual control self-assessments, and assurance reporting on the design adequacy and effectiveness of controls.Publication ENHANCING THE SC MEDICAID CLASS ACTION DRUG RECOUPMENT PROCESS(South Carolina State Library, 2014-02-04) West-Barnett, AngelaA class action case lead audit was conducted by the Casualty Department in an attempt to identify Medicaid Beneficiaries who ingested a specific class action drug and they also received medical treatment specific to those caused by the class action drug. The results of the audit revealed a large number of MB who took the drug, received injury related treatment, but they were not active participants in the Global Class Action Law Suits. The Casualty Department active cases averaged about 2% of the MB identified through the audit. The goal of this project is to further enhance the current class action recoupment process and to increase revenue for SCDHHS.