Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council

All Juvenile Justice grant applications are reviewed and scored by members of a grants subcommittee of the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. This Council was created by South Carolina statute (Section 23-4-210) in 1975 in accordance with the requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (Section 223(a)). Its members, appointed by the Governor, are volunteer, private citizens with an abiding interest and training in children’s issues as well as representatives from state and local government agencies involved in juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. The Council is charged with the responsibility of advising policy makers on the state level about areas of need related to children and the juvenile justice system, recommending improvements in juvenile justice services and offering technical assistance to state and local agencies in planning and implementing programs for the improvement of juvenile justice.


Recent Submissions

  • Item
    Governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council 2018 Annual Report
    (2018) South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs
    This report is a summary of the activities of the South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.
  • Item
    Annual Report of the South Carolina Governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council 2006-2007
    (2008-01) South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs
    This report is a summary of the activities of the South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.
  • Publication
    2022-2023 Biennial Report
    (2024-05) South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs
    This biennial report is a summary of the activities of the South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (GJJAC).
  • Publication
    2020 annual report
    (2020) South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs
    This report is a summary of the activities of the South Carolina Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Council.