Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Reports

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control publishes annual Environmental Data Reports from the Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program. This program supports and compliments the agency’s comprehensive regulatory program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) by focusing on activities not supported or covered through the normal regulatory framework. Their primary function is to evaluate the effectiveness of SRS environmental monitoring activities. The team monitors air, groundwater, drinking water, surface water, soil and sediment, milk, vegetation, and fish and game for the presence of radiological and non-radiological chemicals.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2022
    (2023-12-19) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2021
    (2022-12-20) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2020
    (2021-12-10) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2019
    (2019) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2018
    (2018) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2017
    (2017) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to SRS, trending data to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2016
    (2016) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC related to the SRS, trending to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2015
    (2015) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides results of samples collected by DHEC on or adjacent to SRS, trending to document how contaminants are changing, and information on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2014
    (2014) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report provides information of sample results collected, trending to document how contaminants are changing, and on how these changes may impact the surrounding communities.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2013
    (2013) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2013 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2012
    (2012) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2012 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2011
    (2011) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2011 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2010
    (2010) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2010 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2009
    (2009) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2009 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2008
    (2008) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2008 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2007
    (2007) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2007 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2006
    (2006) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP's multi-media monitoring network and activities along with a summary of the findings of the ESOP from the 2006 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    Environmental Surveillance Oversight Program Data Report for 2005
    (2005) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    This report includes a description of the ESOP’s monitoring activities and summarizes the findings of the ESOP from the 2005 calendar year monitoring period.
  • Publication
    2004 ESOP Data Report
    (2004) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    For 2004, the ESOP monitored pathways for human exposure to radiological contaminants from the SRS. In general, the SCDHEC ESOP results indicate that while there continues to be a measurable impact on the environment from the SRS, the values are, in most cases, below established Federally mandated contaminant guidelines, and the results are consistent with those values reported by the DOE-SR.
  • Publication
    2003 ESOP Data Report
    (2003) Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Program
    For 2003, the ESOP monitored all pathways for human exposure to radiological contaminants from the SRS. In general, the SCDHEC ESOP results indicate that while there continues to be a measurable impact on the environment from the SRS, the values are, in most cases, below established Federally mandated contaminant guidelines, and the results are consistent with those values reported by the DOE-SR.