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The South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical Education published documents on vocational education and post-secondary level vocational education (technical education.
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Publication Meeting future challenges in vocational education : recommendations for action(South Carolina State Library, 1986-07) Holweger, Angela; South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationEach of the six previous reports discussed the major issues, trends, projections, and/or survey findings related to the topics specified in the EIA study mandate. Although not required, this final report is an additional effort on the part of Council to put the various findings and conclusions into perspective, and relate them to the broader context of economic and social changes occurring in the nation and in South Carolina. The result is a set of nine overall recommendations for action that are needed to improve vocational education's ability to meet the challenges of the coming decade.Publication The Student data system in vocational education :capabilities and recommended improvements(South Carolina State Library, 1986-05) Holweger, Angela; South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThis report to the General Assembly, compiled and prepared by the State Council on Vocation a 1 and Techni ca 1 Education, is the sixth in a series of reports on a comprehensive study of the state•s vocational education system, as mandated in the E IA of 1984. The report describes the current student data system in vocation a 1 education with regard to its capacity to provide information on enrollments, completions, and placements from vocational programs, and the effects of participation in vocational education.Publication What employers say about vocational education in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1986-04) Holweger, Angela; South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThis report to the General Assembly, prepared by the State Council on Vocational and Technical Education, is the fifth in a series of reports on an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated in the EIA of 1984. The bulk of the report summarizes the results of the Council's recent mail survey of over 1200 employers throughout South Carolina regarding their perceptions of and experiences with vocational education, its graduates, and entry-level workers in general.Publication Meeting labor needs in South Carolina : the role of vocational education(South Carolina State Library, 1986-02) Holweger, Angela; South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThis report to the General Assembly, compiled and prepared by the State Council on Vocational and Technical Education, is the fourth in a series of reports on an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated in the EIA of 1984. The report addresses current labor market trends affecting occupational preparation and employment needs in the next decade that can be met by graduates of vocational programs.Publication Vocational education and the low achieving student(South Carolina State Library, 1986-02) South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical Education; Holweger, AngelaThis report to the General Assembly, compiled and prepared by the State Council on Vocational and Technical Education, is the third in a series of reports on an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated in the EIA of 1984. This report addresses the issue of how vocational education can best meet the needs of low achieving students who do not pursue postsecondary education.Publication What students say about vocational programs(South Carolina State Library, 1985-12) Holweger, Angela; South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThis report to the General Assembly, compiled an~i prepared by the State Council on Vocat i ona 1 and Techni ca 1 Education, is the second in a series of reports on an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated by the EIA of 1984. The report describes the methodology, findings, and conclusions of a study of students' perceptions of and experiences with the vocational system. Part I reports the results of a written survey administered to nearly one thousand high school seniors and juniors in twelve schools across the state. Part II summarizes the results of follow-up telephone interviews with over 300 high school graduates across the state who completed vocational courses in 1983.Publication Vocational education : its programs and students(South Carolina State Library, 1985-12) South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical Education; Holweger, AngelaThis report to the General Assembly, compiled and prepared by the State Council on Vocational and Technical Education, addresses two elements of an 8-part study of the state's vocational education system, as mandated in the EIA of 1984. The report provides an overview of major national and state issues regarding vocational education in grades 9-12, and the structure and operation of the system (programs, schools, administration, etc.). State-wide information about enrollment patterns, and a profile of students who enroll in vocational education are provided.Publication Evaluation digest 1979-1980(South Carolina State Library, 1981-01-26) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThe intent of this publication is to offer to the reader a series of brief articles, which , collectively, will convey the Council's perspective of vocational and technical education in South Carolina as of 1979-80. Each article will require only a few minutes to read, and should stand alone to represent the Council's viewpoint or thought on a topic .Publication Evaluation digest 1978-1979(South Carolina State Library, 1980-01-16) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThe intent of this publication is to offer to the reader a series of brief articles, which , collectively, will convey the Council's perspective of vocational and technical education in South Carolina as of 1978-79. Each article will require only a few minutes to read, and should stand alone to represent the Council's viewpoint or thought on a topic .Publication Evaluation digest 1977-1978(South Carolina State Library, 1979-02-07) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThe intent of this publication is to offer to the reader a series of brief articles, which , collectively, will convey the Council's perspective of vocational and technical education in South Carolina as of 1977-78. Each article will require only a few minutes to read, and should stand alone to represent the Council's viewpoint or thought on a topic .Publication The little book on local VOC/TEC education advisory councils : a guide(South Carolina State Library, 1977-03) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationThis booklet is intended for persons appointed to local advisory councils or committees and for educators and/or administrators of vocational education or technical education. It is not an exhaustive, inclusive source of information on the purpose, structure, creation and operation of local advisory councils, but may serve as a brief guide and as an initial source of information on the topic.Publication WHAT THE PUBLIC SAYS ABOUT VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL EDUCATION(South Carolina State Library, 1982-07) South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationPublication VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA AN EVALUATION REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1972(South Carolina State Library, 1972-12) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationPublication vocational and technical education in south carolina 1971(South Carolina State Library, 1971-10) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational EducationPublication VOCATIONAL EDUCATION... in South Carolina An Evaluation Report for Fiscal Year 1970(South Carolina State Library, 1970-09) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational EducationPublication VOCATIONAL EDUCATION... ... An Approach(South Carolina State Library, 1970-06) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational EducationPublication UNSOLICITED COMMENTS ON VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION The Record of an Open Meeting on Vocational and Technical Education -1971(South Carolina State Library, 1971-07) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational EducationPublication SURVEY TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR DOCTORAL LEVEL PERSONNEL IN VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION(South Carolina State Library, 1973) South Carolina Advisory Council on Vocational and Technical EducationPublication outlines the objectives, assumptions, procedures, and findings from a survey to determine the need for doctoral personnel in vocational and technical education.Publication STATUS OF PROGRAM ARTICULATION BETWEEN VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA(South Carolina State Library, 1977-01) South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationReport of research study concerning articulation.Publication State Council 1989 Biennial Report(South Carolina State Library, 1989-03) South Carolina Council on Vocational and Technical EducationReport covering recommendations on vocational and technical education.