Federal Documents

The South Carolina State Library maintains a print collection of federal documents as a member of the Federal Depository Library Program. Many of these documents are about South Carolina or include topics of regional interest. Here we provide access to digitized copies of selected publications written by U.S. federal government departments.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Investigation of South Carolina’s use of adult care homes to serve adults with serious mental illness
    (2023-07-06) United States. Department of Justice. Civil Rights Division
    After an extensive investigation, the United States Department of Justice concludes there is reasonable cause to believe that the State of South Carolina violates Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), by failing to provide services to individuals with serious mental illness in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. It is critically important to ensure that these individuals are afforded the opportunity to live and receive services in their own homes and communities, consistent with the ADA’s integration mandate.
  • Publication
    Potential Energy-Saving Impacts of Extending Daylight Saving Time: A National Assessment
    (2006-10) United States Department of Energy
    This study provides an analysis of the potential national energy-savings impacts of EDST, using available 2004 data; however, it is not intended to fulfill the reporting requirement of EPAct section 110(c). In addition to providing an estimate of potential energy savings, this study identifies data and methods that could support future analyses, including the study required by section 110(c). Using information obtained from review of the literature and available 2004 energy data, this study analyzed the potential energy impacts due to changes in electricity consumption. Potential non-energy impacts that may result from the extended DST were not analyzed in detail in this study. These other potential impacts include children traveling to school during darkness, traffic accident rates, crime rates, electronics changeover to new EDST dates, airline schedule changes, and agricultural work scheduling.
  • Publication
    NASA's Great Observatories : Paper Model Kits
    (1993) United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Office of Human Resources and Education
    Why are space observatories important? The answer goes beyond twinkling stars in the night sky. Pockets of cold and hot air in Earth's atmosphere act as a hazy veil that many visible rays of light cannot penetrate. The atmosphere absorbs the majority of radiation from celestial bodies and distorts the types of light that do reach Earth's surface. Some types of radiation (like gamma rays) seldom reach Earth's surface. The radiation that Earth's atmosphere absorbs and distorts limits scientists' observations of stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. Even the most powerful ground based observatories can collect only a limited amount of data, but observatories in space collect data free from the distortion of Earth's atmosphere.