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This collection contains publications by the South Carolina State Department of Education written before 1960 on a variety of topics such as statistics about schools and a survey of school buildings.
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Publication A plan for the State Board of Education with respect to a program of studies for the high schools of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2016-11-16) South Carolina State Board of EducationThis book discusses which subjects should be taught in high schools in South Carolina in 1938,Publication Course of study for use in the public schools of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2016-11-16) South Carolina State Board of EducationThis book outlines the courses students should take in South Carolina in 1901. It includes subjects from the first through ninth grade.Publication Standards for accredited high schools of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1952) South Carolina. State Department of Education. Division of InstructionThe purposes of this bulletin are: ( 1) to serve as a ready reference on the laws, rules and regulations governing the organization and administration of high schools accredited by the State Board of Education; and ( 2) to point up, within the scope of these laws, rules and regulations, ways and means of improving secondary education in South Carolina. Standards as prescribed are considered the minimum to be maintained by those high schools enjoying recognition by the State Board of Education as worthy of "accredited" status.Publication Standards for accredited high schools of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1949) South Carolina. State Department of Education. Division of InstructionThe purposes of this bulletin are: ( 1) to serve as a ready reference on the laws, rules and regulations governing the organization and administration of high schools accredited by the State Board of Education; and ( 2) to point up, within the scope of these laws, rules and regulations, ways and means of improving secondary education in South Carolina. Standards as prescribed are considered the minimum to be maintained by those high schools enjoying recognition by the State Board of Education as worthy of "accredited" status.Publication South Carolina's educational revolution : a report of progress in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1955) South Carolina State Educational Finance CommissionThis brochure describes efforts of Governor Jame Byrnes to improve the schools and educational opportunities for South Carolina citizens. It highlights African American schools, busing, school segregation and teacher salaries.Publication Special instructions for the organization of rural graded schools(South Carolina State Library, 1914) South Carolina State Department of EducationThis bulletin by the South Carolina State Department of Education provides the text of the 1912 Rural Graded School Law, list of schools receiving state aid with enrollment numbers, reasons for the law, and recommended practices for the schools.Publication Teachers' manual for the elementary schools of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1915) Tate, William K.This guidebook from the South Carolina State Department of Education provided elementary school teachers with instructions for preparing a classroom, course of study, and directions and suggestions for teaching the course of study.Publication Vocational education in South Carolina, 1917-1950(South Carolina State Library, 1950) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication The Catawba Indians of South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 1946-08) Bradford, William RufusPublication Daily programs in schools with one, two, three, four and five teachers(South Carolina State Library, 1917) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication Courses of study for the public high schools: prescribed by the State Board of Education for use from July 1, 1933 to June 30, 1938(South Carolina State Library, 1933) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication Course of study for the public schools: prescribed by the State Board of Education for use from July 1, 1922 to June 30, 1927(South Carolina State Library, 1922) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication The story of the good school(South Carolina State Library, 1954) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication The state school building survey of South Carolina, 1937 : a general report on its purpose, organization, work and immediate results(South Carolina State Library, 1937-03-30) South Carolina State Department of EducationPublication Statistical school atlas of South Carolina : with selected facts for the scholastic year 1920-21 and the scholastic year 1921-22(South Carolina State Library, 1922) Bethea, Power Wordsworth