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The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Public Health area publishes a variety of documents on health regulation, client services, preventive services, and public health preparedness.
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Publication Reciprocity Guidelines : How to Become a Certified Emergency Medical Technician in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2009-01-15) South Carolina Division of Emergency Medical Services & TraumaThis document explains how out of state EMTs can obtain certification in South Carolina.Publication Emergency Medical Technician Training Programs Administrative Policy Manual(South Carolina State Library, 2011-08-15) South Carolina Division of Emergency Medical Services & TraumaThis manual provides information and administrative guidelines for use by planners, coordinators, instructors, and educators concerned with the establishment and administration of courses for the training and certification of the Emergency Medical TechnicianPublication Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injuries in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-04) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis gives a snapshot of statistics on suicide in South Carolina in 2024.Publication Emergency Medical Technician Basic Policy Manual(South Carolina State Library, 2009-09-10) South Carolina Division of Emergency Medical Services & TraumaThis manual provides information and administrative guidelines for use by planners, coordinators, instructors, and educators concerned with the establishment and administration of courses for the training and certification of the Emergency Medical Technician.Publication Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 (Bird Flu) 2024(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-04) Department of Health and Environmental ControlThe s. C. Food and Safety Task Force presents on highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (bird flu).Publication HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Statewide Plan and Guidance(South Carolina State Library, 2024-05) Department of Health and Environmental Control. Division of STD/HIV and Viral HepatitisThe South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Statewide Plan and Guidance has been developed by DHEC as an element of the PrEPMeSC initiative. The Plan provides evidence-based guidance about procedures for increasing PrEP acceptance, PrEP prescribing, PrEP referrals, and diagnostic testing for participating providers.Publication Tuberculosis (TB) in South Carolina, 2023(South Carolina State Library, 2023) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis document provides statistics on tuberculosis cases in South Carolina.Publication Common Exposures to Radiation(South Carolina State Library, 2020-01) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Nuclear Response and Emergency Environmental ServicesThis flier, describes in millirems, common exposures to radiation. Millirem is an extremely small measure of energy; much like millimeter is an extremely small measure of length. These amounts are well within what is acceptable and not harmful to health or life.Publication Ticks in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2023-06) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis document includes information on ticks in South Carolina.Publication The 4th Trimester(South Carolina State Library, 2023-10) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThe 12 weeks immediately following birth is sometimes referred to as the “4th trimester”. This is a time for women to physically heal and adjust to taking care of a new baby. Many changes occur during this time for both mom and baby.Publication Influenza Estacional (Gripe) Hoja Informativa Para Padres(South Carolina State Library, 2023-08) South Carolina. Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis fact sheet tells how flu is spread, how to prevent it, statistics on the flu and resources for more information.Publication Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Fact Sheet for Parents(South Carolina State Library, 2023-08) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis fact sheet tells how flu is spread, how to prevent it, statistics on the flu and resources for more information.Publication South Carolina Violent Death Reporting System 2023 Evaluation(South Carolina State Library, 2024-03) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlPrior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the South Carolina Violent Death Reporting System (SCVDRS) team would receive 80 to 90 percent of coroner and law enforcement reports. Now with increases seen in homicides, suicides, and overdose deaths, the program receives almost half that amount. The Program Manager wanted to better understand data provider and data user perspectives in order to improve their programs.Publication South Carolina State Health Assessment Companion Report(South Carolina State Library, 2024) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlLive Healthy South Carolina, a statewide effort between the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina (Alliance), is pleased to present South Carolina’s 2023 State Health Assessment, a comprehensive resource of the latest public health data, issues and trends affecting all South Carolinians.Publication Homicide and Assualt Injuries in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2024-02) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThe South Carolina Violent Death Reporting System (SCVDRS) combines data from law enforcement reports, death certificates, and coroner/medical examiner reports (including toxicology) to pool data on violent deaths and their circumstances into one anonymous database. SCVDRS data includes decedents who were fatally injured and died within South Carolina whether or not they were South Carolina residents. South Carolina residents who were fatally injured or died outside of South Carolina are not included in this report. Therefore, SCVDRS death counts and rates may differ from South Carolina DHEC Vital Statistics and other death sources.Publication Guidance for Identifying, Reporting, Preventing, and Controlling Respiratory Illness Outbreaks in Schools & Childcare Centers(South Carolina State Library, 2023-09) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThese guidelines are intended to help school and childcare center personnel identify, report, control, and prevent suspected respiratory illness outbreaks.Publication Eating Healthy in a SNAP Recipe Book(South Carolina State Library, 2024-01-25) Clinton, Jillian; Wigand, Farrah; South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, SNAP-Education TeamEating Healthy in a SNAP is a recipe book designed by your South Carolina DHEC SNAP-Education Team. These dishes are easy, healthy, budget-friendly, and will keep that tasty Southern flare that we all enjoy! All the It’s Your Health Take Charge participants will explore some of these recipes in our classes. Each recipe follows our recommendations for improving your plate: increasing fiber and limiting added sugars, salt, and saturated fat intake. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard!Publication Chronic Diseases in South Carolina(South Carolina State Library, 2024-01) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlThis paper giver statistics on chronic diseases in South Carolina.Publication A Public Report Providing Statistics Compiled From All Abortions Reported to DHEC(South Carolina State Library, 2024-06-12) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlSC Code of Law 44-41-60 requires that all abortions performed in the state be reported to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment Control (SC DHEC). This report contains the data reported to SC DHEC, Vital Statistics, for abortions performed in South Carolina in 2023 as required by SC Code of Law 44-41-460.Publication Staying Home from School or Childcare When Your Child is Sick [updated June 2024](South Carolina State Library, 2024-06) South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Division of Acute Disease EpidemiologyThis brochure lists the illnesses for which a child must be kept out of school or childcare. It tells you if your child needs a doctor’s note or medical treatment to come back to school or childcare after certain illnesses.