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Every two years, the South Carolina Department of Commerce and the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics collaborate to estimate future employment levels for various healthcare occupations, including medical, dental, pharmacy, and therapy. Summarized are their estimates of how demand for different allied health occupations is expected to change in South Carolina over the next decade. The number of anticipated annual openings includes those due to growth (new jobs) and those created when people leave the workforce through retirement, career change, or for other reasons (replacements).
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Publication Employment outlook : expected job growth for the medical workforce in South Carolina(2015-08) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningEmployment opportunities for medical providers of all kinds are expected to grow over the next few years. For Physician Assistants the majority of the growth in jobs (68%) will be from the creation of new jobs rather than the need to replace those leaving the workforce, reflecting both new models of care delivery and the relatively young age of these providers. Not so for physicians, where at least half of the expected jobs for Anesthesiologists and Surgeons will be due to the need for replacements. For other types of physicians, the need to replace those leaving the workforce will be the dominant reason for job openings: Psychiatrists – 75%, OB/Gyns – 64%, General Internal Medicine – 63%, and Family Medicine – 67%.Publication Employment outlook : strong job growth expected for the medical workforce in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningGrowth rates for different types of physician positions over the period from 2008 to 2018 are expected to be similar, falling between 22% - 29%. Growth for physician assistant positions is expected to be even stronger, reflecting new models of care delivery that recognize the value of interdisciplinary teams. Overall, the majority of the annual openings for physicians and physician assistants are expected to come from new job growth rather than from replacement needs. Overall demand for Family and General Practitioner physicians is expected to generate the largest absolute number of job openings over the next decade, reflecting the central role they play in our healthcare system.Publication Employment outlook : employment forecast for the physical and occupational therapy workforce in South Carolina(2015-08) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe physical and occupational therapy fields are projected to grow rapidly, with most job openings (about 60%) expected to be from new job growth. Proportionately, job growth is strongest for assistive personnel (38%) but the largest number of jobs will be for Physical Therapists. South Carolina education programs graduated 79 new Physical Therapists and 42 new Occupational Therapists in the 2013-2014 academic year. A total of 94 new Physical Therapy Assistants and 45 Occupational Therapy Assistants also were graduated that year.Publication Employment outlook : employment forecast for the pharmacy workforce in South Carolina(2015-08) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe majority of growth in jobs for Pharmacy Technicians (68%) is expected to come from new jobs rather than the need to replace people leaving the occupation. The majority of openings for both Pharmacists (62%) and pharmacy aides (60%) will be due to the need to replace those leaving the workforce. Pharmacy aides/assistants are generally trained on-site as needed to meet the clerical needs of the local pharmacy. In the 2012-13 academic year 147 Pharmacy Technicians completed certificate programs in the state. In that same year, South Carolina graduated a total of 239 new Pharmacists: 186 from the combined program at USC/MUSC and 53 from South University which had their first pharmacy graduating class in 2013. Another new pharmacy program at Presbyterian College graduated its first class of 76 new pharmacists in the 2013-14 academic year.Publication Employment outlook : employment forecast for the pharmacy, physical and occupational therapy workforce in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningPharmacy and the physical/occupational therapy fields are growing rapidly, with most openings expected to be from new job growth. In the 2008-09 academic year South Carolina graduated 198 new Pharmacists. In that same year, 166 Pharmacy Technicians completed certificate programs in the state. South Carolina graduated 68 new Physical Therapists in 2008-09 and 72 new Physical Therapy Assistants. In that same year, 49 Occupational Therapy Assistants graduated from associate degree programs in South Carolina, as were 31 Occupational Therapists. Openings for both Occupational Health and Safety Specialists and Technicians are expected to come largely from the need to replace those leaving the workforce.Publication Employment outlook : the demand for nursing personnel remains strong in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningMost of the future anticipated openings for nursing personnel in South Carolina is being driven by new job growth. Among Registered Nurses, 59% of the projected annual openings are due to new job growth. The same is true for unlicensed, direct care personnel: among those in the occupational group Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides new job growth accounts for 71% of all anticipated annual openings in South Carolina. Among Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants 62% of all jobs are expected to be from new growth. The one nursing occupation where this trend does not hold true is among Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses where the majority of future openings will be driven by replacement needs rather than new growth.Publication Employment outlook : growth rates vary for different allied health professions in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe greatest job growth, in terms of overall percentage change and the proportion of openings due to new job growth occurs among Radiation Therapists. The total percentage change for Dietitians and Nutritionists is small, and most of the future demand is expected to come from replacement needs. Among Speech-Language Pathologists, the group with the largest workforce of all those in the table, about half of the anticipated annual openings are due to new job growth and half to replacement needs. The same is true of Chiropractors. Radiation Therapists, on the other hand, will see most of their growth driven by new job creation.Publication Employment outlook : fastest growing health care occupations in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningRegistered Nurses and nursing assistants in direct care roles are the largest healthcare occupational groups in South Carolina. Due to their large size, and that demand for their services is expected to increase over time, the number of annual job openings expected for nursing personnel is 2 or 3 times larger than for any other healthcare occupation listed in Table 1. When Licensed Practical Nurses are added to this picture, it is clear that the demand for nursing services, at all skill levels, will dominate South Carolina healthcare employment in the near future.Publication Employment outlook : expected growth rates in the South Carolina dental care workforce(2015-09) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe greatest job growth, both in terms of overall percentage change and by the volume of openings expected each year, is for dental support personnel (Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants). Over 50% of the anticipated number of annual job openings are related to new job growth for dental support personnel. On the other hand, the majority of annual job openings anticipated for General Dentists is based on the need to replace experienced dentists expected to leave the workforce, mostly due to retirement. Although there is some growth expected for Orthodontists, the annual number of job openings is expected to be small.Publication Employment outlook : expected growth rates in the South Carolina dental care workforce(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe greatest job growth, both in terms of overall percentage change and by the volume of openings expected each year, is for dental support personnel. Most of those anticipated annual openings are being driven by new job growth rather than by the need for replacements. On the other hand, the majority of annual openings anticipated for dentists will be due to the need to replace experienced dentists who are expected to leave the workforce, mostly due to retirement.Publication Employment outlook : most allied health fields are growing in South Carolina(2011-03) South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and PlanningThe allied health professions and occupations, as a group, make up one of the largest segments of the healthcare workforce in South Carolina. The anticipated annual openings associated with the groups listed in the table above sum to a total of 1,053 openings each year. The rate at which these individual occupations are growing varies widely, and may change over time as medical treatments and technologies advance. Note that there is no direct relationship between the total percentage change expected in employment demand for a particular group and the average number of openings expected. Some very large groups (i.e. EMTs and Paramedics) are expected Most Allied Health Fields are Growing in South Carolina to have only a small growth rate from 2008 to 2018 - 8% - but are expected to have a relatively large number of jobs open each year. In the case of EMTs and Paramedics, most of those annual job openings will be due to the need to replace those expected to leave the workforce, rather than from new job growth. On the other hand, most (75%) of the growth anticipated for medical assistants is expected to come from new job growth.